Do you want to have a more productive Clubs Days experience and plan your visit ahead?
See below for the list of participating clubs, student unions and other student groups for each day:
Club/ Student Union / Other Student Group | Table Number |
SFU Knitting Club | 1 |
University Bible Fellowship | 2 |
UPhoto Photography Club | 3 |
Society of Arts and Social Science (SASS) | 4 |
Developers & Systems Club | 5 |
Education Student Association | 6 |
Accounting Student Association – SFU | 7 |
350 – SFU | 8 |
Cheerleading Club | 9 |
Tennis Club | 10 |
Fencing Club | 11 |
Badminton Club | 12 |
Kendo Club | 13 |
Pre-Law Society – SFU | 14 |
Pre-Pharm | 15 |
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Student Union (MBBSU) | 16 |
Science Fiction and Fantasy Bookclub | 17 |
Tabletop | 18 |
SFU Thaqalyn Muslim Association | 19 |
SFU Rocketry | 20 |
Team Phantom: SFU Formula SAE Electric | 21 |
Debate Society | 22 |
Ace SFU | 23 |
Cognitive Science Student Society (COGSSS) | 24 |
SFU Transit Enthusiasts Club (SFU TEC) | 25 |
Evangelical Chinese Bible Fellowship (ECBF) | 26 |
University Christian Ministries | 27 |
Human Resources Student Association | 28 |
Korean Storm (K.STORM) | 29 |
Women in STEM | 30 |
Communications Student Union (CMNSU) | 31 |
Pre-Vet & Animal Wellness Club | 32 |
Vietnamese Student Association | 33 |
Giddha – SFU | 34 |
SFU Magic the Gathering Club (MTG) | 35 |
Philosophy Student Union | 36 |
VeggieSFU | 37 |
Japanese Network – SFU | 38 |
SFU Conservatives | 39 |
Ukrainian Student Society | 40 |
SFU OS Development | 41 |
SFU Robot Soccer | 42 |
Canadian Cancer Society – SFU | 43 |
Psychology Student Union | 44 |
Love Your Neighbour Club | 45 |
Sociology and Anthropology Student Union (SASU) | 46 |
Student Marketing Association | 47 |
Labour Studies Student Union | 48 |
Hanvoice SFU | 49 |
SFU Circus Club | 50 |
SFU Mechanical Keyboards Club | 51 |
SFU Heart and Stroke Foundation (SFUHSF) | 52 |
Exercise is Medicine SFU | 53 |
SFU Blood, Organ, and Stem Cell Club | 54 |
SFSS | 55 |
Power Zone | 56 |
Power Zone | 57 |
Power Zone | 58 |
SFPIRG | 59 |
Young Liberals of Canada – SFU | 60 |
English Student Union | 61 |
The PEAK | 65 |
EMBARK | 66 |
Filipino Students Association | 67 |
SFU Esports Association | 68 |
Astronomy Club – SFU | 69 |
Anime Club – SFU | 70 |
International Club | 71 |
InterVarsity Undergraduate at SFU | 72 |
Biology Student Union (BSU) | 73 |
Latin Dance Passion – SFU | 74 |
SFU First Responders | 75 |
Power to Change (P2C) | 76 |
SFU Surge | 77 |
Linguistics Student Union | 78 |
Computing Science Student Society (CSSS) | 79 |
International Studies Student Association (ISSA) | 80 |
SFSS DNA | 81 |
SFSS Women Centre | 82 |
SFSS Membership Services | 83 |
SFSS Student Union | 84 |
SFSS Executives | 85 |
SOCA | 86 |
Out on Campus | 87 |
Club/ Student Union / Other Student Group | Table Number |
SFU Knitting Club | 1 |
Hip Hop Club – SFU | 2 |
Hong Kong Society (HKS) | 3 |
Philosophy Student Union | 4 |
Accounting Student Association – SFU | 5 |
AIESEC | 6 |
Campus Vibe Movement | 7 |
Astronomy Club – SFU | 8 |
Cheerleading Club | 9 |
Tennis Club | 10 |
Grappling Club | 11 |
Badminton Club | 12 |
Kendo Club | 13 |
Political Science Student Union | 14 |
Pre-Pharm | 15 |
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Student Union (MBBSU) | 16 |
Science Fiction and Fantasy Bookclub | 17 |
Tabletop | 18 |
Gender, Sexuality and Women Studies Student Union | 19 |
Mathematics Student Union | 20 |
Physics Student Association | 21 |
Debate Society | 22 |
Ace SFU | 23 |
Thé SFU Tea | 24 |
SFU New Democratic Party | 25 |
The Point | 26 |
University Christian Ministries | 27 |
Pakistan Students Association | 28 |
Korean Storm (K.STORM) | 29 |
Women in STEM | 30 |
Communications Student Union (CMNSU) | 31 |
World University Services of Canada-SFU | 32 |
Vietnamese Student Association | 33 |
Giddha – SFU | 34 |
SFU Magic the Gathering Club (MTG) | 35 |
Burnaby Mountain Toastmasters | 36 |
VeggieSFU | 37 |
Japanese Network – SFU | 38 |
SFU Conservatives | 39 |
Women In Engineering | 40 |
SFU OS Development | 41 |
World Languages and Literatures Student Union | 42 |
Malaysia Singapore Students Club | 43 |
Canadian Cancer Society – SFU | 44 |
Team Phantom: SFU Formula SAE Electric | 45 |
Love Your Neighbour Club | 46 |
Student Marketing Association | 47 |
Labour Studies Student Union | 48 |
SFU Foodie Club | 49 |
SFU Circus Club | 50 |
SFU Mechanical Keyboards Club | 51 |
SFU Heart and Stroke Foundation (SFUHSF) | 52 |
Hillel Jewish Students Association | 53 |
Students of Caribbean & African Ancestry (SOCA) | 54 |
SFSS Student Advocacy | 55 |
Power Zone | 56 |
Power Zone | 57 |
Power Zone | 58 |
Smash Club | 59 |
Evangelical Chinese Bible Fellowship (ECBF) | 60 |
ALAS (Association of Latin American Students) | 61 |
Linguistics Student Union | 62 |
CJSF | 65 |
EMBARK | 66 |
Engineering Science Student Society | 67 |
SFU Esports Association | 68 |
Geography Student Union | 69 |
Anime Club – SFU | 70 |
International Club | 71 |
Muslim Students Association | 72 |
Google Developer Student Club – SFU | 73 |
Latin Dance Passion – SFU | 74 |
SFU First Responders | 75 |
Power to Change (P2C) | 76 |
Business Administration Student Society (BASS) | 77 |
Bhangra – SFU | 78 |
Computing Science Student Society (CSSS) | 79 |
Panwiberry Dance Crew | 80 |
SFSS DNA | 81 |
SFSS Women Centre | 82 |
SFSS Membership Services | 83 |
SFSS Student Union | 84 |
SFSS Executives | 85 |
SOCA | 86 |
Out on Campus | 87 |
Club/ Student Union / Other Student Group | Table Number |
Hiking Club | 1 |
Hip Hop Club – SFU | 2 |
UPhoto Photography Club | 3 |
Society of Arts and Social Science (SASS) | 4 |
Developers & Systems Club | 5 |
AIESEC | 6 |
Campus Vibe Movement | 7 |
350 – SFU | 8 |
Grappling Club | 9 |
Fencing Club | 10 |
Political Science Student Union | 14 |
University Bible Fellowship | 15 |
Humanities Student Union | 16 |
SFU Thaqalyn Muslim Association | 17 |
Bangladesh Students’ Alliance | 18 |
Gender, Sexuality and Women Studies Student Union | 19 |
SFU Rocketry | 20 |
Mathematics Student Union | 21 |
Sikh Students’ Association – SFU | 22 |
Biology Student Union (BSU) | 23 |
Cognitive Science Student Society (COGSSS) | 24 |
SFU New Democratic Party | 25 |
The Point | 26 |
Women In Engineering | 27 |
Pakistan Students Association | 28 |
Hong Kong Society (HKS) | 29 |
SFU Artists | 30 |
Pre-Vet & Animal Wellness Club | 32 |
World University Services of Canada-SFU | 33 |
Chemistry Student Society | 34 |
World Languages and Literatures Student Union | 35 |
Burnaby Mountain Toastmasters | 36 |
Education Student Association | 37 |
Hanvoice SFU | 38 |
SFU Creative Writing Club | 39 |
Ukrainian Student Society | 40 |
Redeemed Christian Fellowship (RCF) | 41 |
SFU Robot Soccer | 42 |
Malaysia Singapore Students Club | 43 |
Psychology Student Union | 44 |
Music Discussion Club | 45 |
Sociology and Anthropology Student Union (SASU) | 46 |
Game Developers Club | 47 |
Statistics and Actuarial Science Student Association (SASSA) | 48 |
SFU Foodie Club | 49 |
STEM Fellowship | 50 |
Students of Caribbean & African Ancestry (SOCA) | 51 |
Chess Club – SFU | 52 |
Hillel Jewish Students Association | 53 |
Human Resources Student Association | 54 |
SFSS | 55 |
Power Zone | 56 |
Power Zone | 57 |
Power Zone | 58 |
Fair Trade Ambassador Program | 59 |
Young Liberals of Canada – SFU | 60 |
ALAS (Association of Latin American Students) | 61 |
CJSF | 65 |
SFPIRG | 66 |
Filipino Students Association | 67 |
Panwiberry Dance Crew | 68 |
SFU Surge | 69 |
Archaeology Student Society (ASS) | 70 |
InterVarsity Undergraduate at SFU | 71 |
Muslim Students Association | 72 |
Google Developer Student Club – SFU | 73 |
SFU Cricket Club | 74 |
SFU Befikre Dance Team | 75 |
Data Science Student Society | 76 |
Business Administration Student Society (BASS) | 77 |
Bhangra – SFU | 78 |
Health Science Undergraduate Student Union (HSUSU) | 79 |
International Studies Student Association (ISSA) | 80 |
SFSS DNA | 81 |
SFSS Women Centre | 82 |
SFSS Membership Services | 83 |
SFSS Student Union | 84 |
SFSS Executives | 85 |
SOCA | 86 |
Out on Campus | 87 |