Candidate Platforms 2021

My name is Gabe Liosis, and I am running with SFU Progressives to be your next President of the SFSS. We’ve made significant headway this year, and many changes SFU made were because SFSS worked to build student power!
I currently serve as the VP University Relations for the SFSS. I ran last year because I wanted to bring back activism to SFSS, returning to its rich history of student unionism. This work must continue. This past year, I successfully:
I spearheaded the effort to reform the SFSS to place more power back in the hands of students, by decentralizing power from a small, unrepresentative Board to a more representative Council, ensuring that every corner of campus is represented on the SFSS’s main decision making body.
We’ve achieved a lot this year, but the work needs to continue. We must build Student Power, Stronger!
COVID-19 Relief
Student Affordability
Affordable, Accessible And Quality Education For All Students, Not Just The Affluent Ones
Supporting BIPOC Communities
BIPOC Students Deserve A University That Fights For Them
Rebuilding the SFSS
The Time Is Now To Rebuild The SFSS To Work Better For Students
This year, we have seen an unprecedented movement spread around social and racial justice in Canada, the U.S, and with the Farmers’ Protests in India. There is a growing consciousness of these issues – now is the time for us to be bold, and build Student Power, Stronger.
We Will Not Give Up On Students!
Facebook: @GabeLiosis4Pres
Instagram: @GabeLiosis4Pres
Twitter: @GabeLiosis4Pres
Website: &
My name is Ronit Chawla and I am running to serve as your next VP Internal and Organizational Development on the SFSS Board of Directors. I am a 5th year computing science student.
Following are some of my involvements and experiences:
As your VP Internal, I will work to:
Increase Student Groups Involvement:
Affordable Education:
Individual and Interaction over Processes
Board Accountability
Following my work ethics and values of courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect, Openness I pledge to lift every voice and empower student to achieve more.
VOTE Ronit Chawla for VP Internal and Organizational Development on Feb 16-18th via SFU Mail
Students deserve an open, effective and resourceful SFSS.
My name is Corbett Gildersleve and I am running to be your VP Internal and Organizational Development with the SFU Progressives to build Student Power, Stronger on campus. I have worked as a student temp, completing my degree in Computing Science and now working on a diploma in Social Policy. This year, I served as a student Senator and Undergrad Representative on the Board of Governors, and I have been involved within the SFSS and SFU for many years!
I am proud of my work as the VP Finance for the SFSS, alongside the rest of members that are part of this outgoing Board.
As VP Internal and Organizational Development I will work on:
Open, Equitable and Transparent Governance
Student Leadership Training
Modernize the SFSS
We will not give up on students, nor give up making the SFSS more open, accessible, and inclusive
#OpenSFSS #AccessibleSFSS #WeWillNotGiveUpOnStudents
Facebook: @corbett.gildersleve
My name is Cole Gorst and I am running for the position of VP Finance & Services with the SFSS. Here is a little bit about me:
I am majoring in the Beedie School of Business with a concentration in accounting and finance. Currently I work with a non-profit called the Newton Canadian Baseball Association. I do their general accounting stuff like recording invoices, doing monthly reports, reviewing the budget, etc. My dad is a VP of the CUPE labour union, which is part of what inspired me to run for this position.
Anyways, here are some of the things I want to change:
Propose a budget for a lower student activity fee.
The SFSS has not really done a good job with helping all SFU students financially. They condemn SFU for increasing tuition, yet plan to increase their spending and charge students more. A bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Encourage responsible representation of SFU students through fair, unbiased, and professional communication.
It is no secret that the arrest of an SFU alumni this previous winter was the breeding ground of many hateful and disrespectful comments. The SFSS failed to provide students with the full story, and immediately jumped to conclusions without first properly researching the issue. Additionally, students have reached out to me and said they have felt they have been attacked or bullied by executives of the SFSS on Facebook or other social media for sharing their opinion on the situation. I want to make sure that the SFSS will never foster any community for bullying or hate.
Increase student engagement moving into a post-covid period
When I was a first year student, I didn’t even know the SFSS existed. When I started my campaign, I learned that many students at SFU don’t even realize that they are members of the SFSS. I see this as a failure of the SFSS to engage with students at Canada’s most engaged university. I have heard complaints from students that they have to pay for the UPASS, which they will never use. When the SFSS voted on whether to reinstate the UPASS program, it was a very close vote, and only roughly 10% of students voted. I want to increase that number, and make sure that all SFU students are given a proper chance to actually make their voice heard.
This is a democratic process after all, and a democracy doesn’t work unless everyone is voting on what they want.
So yeah that’s a detailed summary of what I stand for. I encourage anyone reading this to share it with as many people as possible. Research the other candidates, what they have done in the past, and if you think their platform will actually help you out.
My name is Almas Phangura and I’m running to be your next VP Finance and Services with the SFU Progressives. I am a fourth year student in the Faculty of Science.
I am passionate about equitable services, especially pertaining to increasing access and opportunity for marginalised groups who are a part of our SFU community. This past year, I have seen how the SFSS did not turn their backs on students and put our needs first at a time when we needed to be heard and supported. The considerable efforts the Progressives put in to support us during these challenging times inspired me to join this fight to defend student power.
Over the past four years, I have worked in various positions to equip myself for the role, ranging from administration, HR, and bookkeeping in the Healthcare and Mortgage sector. My background in Science has provided me with a more rigorous analytical perspective, reflected in my understanding of complex systems and detail-driven analysis. I intend to integrate my background in this field with my passion for community building and volunteering to continue instilling progressive change on campus.
As VP Finance and Services, I will commit to:
Improve Funding for Clubs and Student Unions
Affordable Education
Improve the Health and Dental Plan
Better SFSS Financial Planning
Better Transparency and Accountability
If you resonate with my line of thought, please cast your vote for Almas Phangura for VP Finance and Services on February 16-18 via SFU Mail.
Facebook: @Almas4VPFS or @almasphangura
Instagram: @almasphangura
Pledge to Vote:
My name is Serena Bains and I am running to be the next Vice-President University and Academic Affairs with the SFSS Progressives to defend student power.
In my time at SFU, I have advocated for the needs of marginalized students through SFSS Council as the representative for SFU Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance (SFU DNA), in addition to my work as a member of SFU DNA, and as an accessibility liaison for the SFU Sustainability Office, SFU Facilities Services and SFU Ancillary Services.
My goal on the SFSS Executive Committee is to continue advocating for the needs of students, while increasing student engagement and activism on campus to build student power stronger!
TLDR; Students deserve a safe, accessible and affordable SFSS.
Tuition and Student Affordability
Reducing Student Costs
Student Safety
Supporting BIPOC Students
Safer Transportation Options
Student Governance Power
Increasing Student Representation
Facebook: @Serena4VPUAA
Instagram: @serena4vpuaa
Oki, Niito’taaatatsiyopa Matthew Provost. Niisto nohto’to Piikani ki Kainai, Siksikatsitapii, Mamioyiiksi ki Ni’taitsskaiksi. Greetings my name is Matthew Provost. I come from Piikani nation and Kainai nation, from the Blackfoot Confederacy.
Currently I am in my last year studying Indigenous Studies with a focus on Public Policy and Minoring in Communications. Prior to being on the SFSS Board, I was a board member for the First Nations Student Association, Aboriginal Front Door Society on the Downtown EastSide, and Simon Fraser Public Interest Resource Group. I have run campaigns, worked with youth, elders and community. I have built strong relationships with so many folks so I hope to have the opportunity to continue this work in a good way.
I have had the amazing opportunity to be elected onto the current board of directors as the current VP Student Services. Being on the board this year throughout COVID I have been able to identify the work that needs to be done in order to support students through these precarious times.
I am currently running for VP External Relations of the Simon Fraser Student Society with the SFU Progressives. As the current VP Student Services, I have been able to:
I want to continue to do work with an open heart and an open mind. I will continue to advocate for students who need essential support and resources. I understand the hardships that have been present during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for BIPOC and International students.
As your VP External & Community Affairs I will:
Increase Student Affordability
Advocacy & Lobbying
Relationship Building
COVID-19 Relief
This is a time of stress as we go through this COVID-19 pandemic and we need better supports for all our students. It is important to fight for your interests, now more than ever. At the end of the day, I have been fighting, and regardless of efforts by folks to have us stop working for the rights of our members, We will not give up on students. We will Build Student Power, Stronger.
Vote Matthew Provost for VP External & Community Affairs
Facebook: @Matt4VPX
Instagram: @Matt4VPX
Website: &
Hello SFU, I am Karan Sharda and with your vote, I will serve as the next VP External Relations for the SFSS.
From the past 2 years at SFU I have served the university community and as a current President of ISF, SFSS club, I have had the opportunity to develop a strong understanding of how the SFSS interacts with SFU.
I believe the role of External Relations is absolutely essential in ensuring that no student voices are unheard when it comes to make relevant decision at SFU. When elected, my role will be to leverage our collective power as a group of students, and play a very proactive role in the creation of our student experience.
Part time Job opportubines:
Affordable Education:
Board Accountability:
Here and now I give you my word that my work will not be limited to the above mentioned points and I want to promise everyone that now is the time to reep rewards. Now is the time to end the supremacy. So, the question for us is simple: Are we ready?
I believe we are. We must be!!
VOTE Karan Sharda for VP External Relations on Feb 16-18th via SFU Mail
Hi Everyone, my name is Marie Haddad and I am running with SFU Progressives to be your first SFSS VP Equity and Sustainability. I am a 3rd year student studying Psychology, Kinesiology and Gender, Sexuality, & Women’s Studies.
Throughout my journey at SFU, I was an co-organizer and supporter of the #IAmNotYourClansman campaign to drop the racially insensitive SFU Athletics Team Name and amplify Black athletes’ voices. Although the name change was successful, it was simply not enough in addressing institutional racism and Black trauma – so we organized.
Within the SFSS BIPOC Committee, we led the #OurDecisionSFU campaign to push SFU to provide culturally and racially sensitive support among other anti-racism recommendations – some of which are in progress now. However, this is not the end.
We deserve an intersectional, equitable, justice-seeking Student Society that will not compromise or back down on marginalized students’ needs – And it is my purpose to advance this work:
Improve Services Support
Take Stances and Advocate for Equity at SFU
Improve Funding and Space
Collaboration and Sustainability
Change doesn’t take time – it takes pressure. I am Marie and I encourage you to vote for real change on Feb 16-18.
Facebook: @Marie4VPES
Hi, I am Avneet and I am currently a 4th year studying Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
student. As an international student and a visible minority, I have had my fair share of struggles
in the world of SFU and now want to utilize the opportunity to be a part of SFSS and work
towards building equitable access to resources for marginalized communities on campus.
One of my biggest motivation comes from the fact that we only receive statements around
equity and inclusion from SFU when something goes wrong. Over the last year, we have seen
SFU get caught up in the dialogue around anti-racism, but it has been noticed that SFU as an
organization struggles to action on and sustain equity, reconciliation, and diversity.
I plan to fight on behalf of students to challenge the structural and systemic oppression
at SFU. I want to start this by first consulting the biggest stakeholders of SFU – the
students. Here are my proposed action items –
forums and focus groups to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them as they take their
academic journey at SFU.
immigration backgrounds to support ALL university students.
members to propose changes to SFU policies to fight institutional racism.
mandatory training for campus security. Push SFU to increase accountability from
RCMP for escalating non-violent incidents on campus.
so that low income and marginalized students can earn a fair wage.
regarding anti-racism, anti-discrimination, inclusion and equity. With online learning,
SFU Faculty is a core group, we students continuously interact with and meaningful
dialogues including faculty members would support the decolonization of learning and
recognition of unconscious biases. I aim to work towards changing SFU’s diversity
policies during the recruitment processes for senior leaders.
addressing reconciliation and inclusion. Work towards having indigenous voices heard
for SFU’s 2025 Sustainability Plan.
I recognize that I don’t have a CV full of organizations I have founded or profoundly
impacted, but I believe that is what helps me represent the staple SFU student who
mostly finds themselves in classes but also want to impact the bigger community on
Vote for me if you are done with statements and surface level changes and want a real student
working with other students to reach collective goals.
Vote for me, if you want to be heard.
My name is Gerard Corr, and I’m running to be your next VP Events and Student Affairs.
I’m a first year student in the Beedie school of business, and I’m super excited to get involved with the SFU community. I have a wide range of volunteer, club-based and professional experience that I will draw from to perform the duties of this position.
Approachability, Accessibility, Accountability
Strengthen SFU Student Unity:
Advocate for Workshops and Events aimed at bettering student welfare:
Advocate for SFSS Events and Activities that YOU want:
I’m a people person and like working with others. I would love this opportunity with SFSS to work with the clubs and organizations at SFU. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about me, my credentials, or my platform.
Instagram: @pensivepiper
Cell: 778-347-5418
My name is Jess Dela Cruz and I am ready to serve as VP Events and Students Affairs! I am in my third year majoring in English with a double-minor in History and Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies for teaching.
I want to bring connectivity and engagement to the SFSS through an equitable framework. This prioritizes inclusivity and social justice through workshops and events with YOU in mind to strengthen and defend the power of students for progressive change.
Over the last three years, I have served as a FASS Mentor and worked as the FASS Engagement Programming Assistant (EPA) where I oversaw FASS DSU’s, the Mentorship Program, and assisted with various Welcome Days. I also have experience as a Campus Tour Guide, Friends of Simon Tutor, and News Writer for The Peak!
Ever heard of TEDxSFU, FASS On a Boat, or FASS Fest? I helped plan those! I also served as student union executive and currently, I am a SFSS University of Academic Affairs Member-At-Large.
Working with such a diverse group of people has only shown how much change still needs to be done! All this, to strengthen student power.
I commit to:
Host Events Through An Equitable Framework
Student Union Building
Student Volunteer Appreciation Night
Collaborate & Support Societies, Unions, and Clubs
SFSS Funding
Facebook: @Jess4VPESA
Instagram: @Jess4VPESA
Website: &
Hi Everyone! I’m Jyotnoor Kanwar, or more commonly called J, Jay or Jyot. Currently, I’m a homebody (because #socialdistancing) but on campus, you might have seen me at the firepits, or anywhere you find food. I’m responsible, resourceful, and a resolver, so I will make sure that I get things done.
How will I do that?
It is quite simple actually; I’m a student just like you. I understand that being a student is challenging, especially during this pandemic. I know that many of us have lost the chance to talk and connect with our peers and that is affecting our student life drastically.
I don’t procrastinate…okay well maybe a little but that’s only on days I have a midterm because let’s be honest, the two-brain cell decisions can be questionable. A great example of me being responsible and on task is this campaign that you’re reading. This pandemic is the perfect excuse to sit back and binge-watch all the shows I promised to watch. Yet, here I am talking to all you guys and telling you more about myself and the visions I have for the SFU community.
I will always be available for you!
Be it a personal issue or an idea for an event, I’m the one you can talk to. I will always be available for any clarification or aid to my fellow SFU students and can be reached at any of my social media handles (The best part, my name is so uncommon I’ll be easy to find) or if you get the chance to see me in person then definitely say hi!!
But how? Action plan
I aim to support the student groups by acting as an active liaison between the SFSS and will convey and communicate the needs, challenges, etc faced by the groups. I will promote the events hosted and will ensure they follow the COVID- 19 Health guidelines posted by the BC Ministry of Health and ensure the safety of the SFU community. I will work actively with various other Executives to ensure sufficient core funding to active organizations and groups.
As a student, I am aware that we all lead busy lives. Being at home during this has given us the opportunity to be more involved than ever in the SFU community through our screens with little or no involvement of our wallets. I have noticed that many of us refrain from getting involved because the thickets for many events are expensive, or that the events are in areas that cannot easily be accessed by transit. Hosting many of our programs online allows us to be involved while also enjoying our university experience which is something we all need, now more than ever.
Being a student also has its own financial burdens. Many students get under pressure with their work and other things and barely have enough time to focus on their own mental health. As your new Vice President Events and Student Affairs, I will aim to work in collaboration with other executives to push the bursary funding to allow financial aid for students in dire need. I will also work to improve events and programs regarding food banks to ensure students in need have all the resources they need available.
Let’s make the best of our time at SFU! No screens left behind
Contact me: