Elect your
SFSS Executive Officers


Every election and referendum will be comprised of seven (7) periods:

  • Appointment of the IEC (To be determined)
  • Notice of Election and Referendum Period (January 6– January 12, 2025)
  • Candidate Nomination and Referendum Submission Period (January 13– February 7, 2025)
  • Campaign Period (February 10 – February 26, 2025)
  • Voting Period (February 27 – February 28, 2025)
  • Post-Election Period (March 1– March 28, 2025)
  • Council General Elections (February 14– March 24, 2025)
  • Prior to the Notice of Election, at least one month’s notice must be provided of an election or referenda to ensure the appointment of a full Independent Electoral Commissioner (IEC).

Why you should run for a position on the Executive Committee:

  • This amazing leadership role provides opportunities to directly influence change on campus
  • You will pick up core skills and learn what is important to you as you campaign
  • You will get to represent and act to improve the lives and experiences of over 25,000+ undergraduates
  • You will learn leadership skills, knowledge and other transferable skills
  • These are PAID positions (approximately $19.50 per hour)
  • You will have the option of claiming up to 3 terms in office as SFU co-ops (some restrictions apply)

In addition, you will be supported by a dedicated staff who will work with you from the beginning to the end.

Every spring semester, there are seven (7) vacancies for the Executive Committee of the SFSS that must be filled, these being:

The President shall:

  • Have the power to convene the Executive Committee meeting or a Council meeting at any time.
  • Be an ex-officio voting member of all Committees of Council.
  • Chair Executive Committee meetings, unless otherwise voted on by the members of the Executive Committee by simple majority vote.
  • Chair or delegate the chair at all Council meetings, provided however, Council may, by simple majority vote, determine the chair at any time for any period of time within an elected term.
  • Chair Members’ Meetings, unless otherwise voted on by the Members at a Members’ Meeting by simple majority vote.
  • Be a signing officer.
  • Represent the Society on formal occasions, and act as the official spokesperson of the Society to the general public and the University.
  • Ensure that Executive Officers carry out their assigned duties in accordance with these By-Laws and as directed by the Council.
  • Be responsible for the coordination of a Council retreat, and an Executive retreat within the first semester of the elected term.
  • Ensure compliance with and enforcement of all relevant Collective Agreements, employment contracts and staff relations policies.
  • Be responsible, along with the VP Finance and Services, for ensuring that all contracts entered into by the Society are with due authority and in the best interests of the Society.
  • Communicate with legal counsel, as needed.
  • Act as the staff liaison officer for the society and liaise with all Society Staff on behalf of Council.
  • Shall train and advise the incoming President.
  • Undertake any other duties as delegated by the Council or Executive Committee.
  • Undertake all other duties usually falling to the office of President of a Society.

The Vice-President Internal and Organizational Development shall:

  • Oversee the following internal governing structures of the Society:
    • The various Committees of Council
    • The various Subcommittees of the Executive Committee
    • All governing documents of the Society
  • Be the Chair of the Governance Committee, or its equivalent, if such a committee exists.
  • Enforce, review, and implement governing documents of the Society.
  • Oversee the set-up, coordination and logistics of all General Meetings of the Society.
  • Ensure the occurrence of ongoing training and development for members of the Executive Committee and Council.
  • Educate and communicate relevant information about the Society’s governing structures to the Membership, including the Council and its committees, Executive Committee, Student Unions and Constituency Groups.
  • Communicate with Student Unions and Constituency groups regarding vacancies on Council, and ensuring those vacancies are filled in a timely manner, and ensuring their meaningful participation as a representative of Council.
  • Oversee the organization and archiving of correspondence and records of the Society including but not limited to the constitution, bylaws, policies, minutes, reports, contracts, leases, and letters written or received by Council and its committees.
  • Support and assist the President in the duties of the President’s office.
  • Assume the duties and obligations of the President if the President is unwilling or unable to act, or in the event that the President position becomes vacant.
  • Be a signing officer.
  • perform any other duties as outlined in the Bylaws, regulations or as assigned by the Council or the Executive Committee.
  • Shall train and advise the incoming Vice-President Internal and Organizational Development.

The Vice-President Finance and Services shall:

  • Coordinate, oversee and/or facilitate services and operations for the Members of the Society.
  • Coordinate oversee and/or facilitate the commercial affairs of the Society.
  • Be responsible, along with the President, for ensuring that all contracts entered into by the Society are with due authority and in the best interests of the Society.
  • Coordinate the preparation of the budget of the Society, and present the annual budget to the Council for adoption.
  • Prepare and present monthly financial reports to the Council.
  • Present financial reports and audited statements to the Membership at a Members’ Meeting.
  • Ensure that all Society funds are deposited in an appropriate account at a financial institution selected by the Council.
  • Keep account and be responsible for all monies received and disbursed by or on behalf of the Society. The Vice-President Finance and Services shall not disburse funds except as provided for in these By-Laws, or by Regulation.
  • Render, upon request of the Council and within fourteen (14) calendar days, a detailed written report on the Society’s financial affairs.
  • Prepare a detailed written report on the Society’s financial affairs for the Annual General Meeting.
  • Coordinate the compilation of the Annual Report of Council for consideration at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Monitor the financial status of the Society including budget variances and makes recommendations to the Council regarding major expenditures; and shall assist with the co ordination of fundraising endeavours.
  • Be the Chair of the Finance and Services Committee, or its equivalent, is such Committee exists.
  • Make recommendations on the establishment of policy on issues relating to finance and services.
  • Assume duties and obligations of the President if the President and Vice-President Internal and Organizational Development are unwilling or unable to act, or in the event that the President and the Vice-President Internal and Organizational Development positions become vacant.
  • Be a signing officer.
  • Train and advise the incoming Vice President Finance and Services.
  • Perform any other duties as outlined in the Bylaws, regulations or as assigned by the Council or the Executive Committee.

The Vice-President University and Academic Affairs shall:

  • Act as a liaison between the Council and the University.
  • Act as a liaison with and lobby the University on issues that affect the undergraduate student population on behalf of the Society.
  • Coordinate student representation on all University committees to which the Society nominates or appoints.
  • Coordinate student involvement in University community affairs and activities.
  • Facilitate collective action by undergraduate students and coordinates campaigns within the university.
  • Make recommendations on the establishment of policy on issues relating to university and academic affairs.
  • Be the Chair of the University and Academic Affairs Committee, or its equivalent, if such a committee exists.
  • Assume, duties and obligations of the President if the President, Vice-President Internal and Organizational Development, and the Vice-President Finance and Services are unwilling or unable to act as President, or in the event that the President, Vice-President Internal and Organizational Development, and Vice-President Finance and Services positions become vacant.
  • Be a signing officer.
  • Train and advise the incoming Vice President Academic and University Affairs.
  • Perform any other duties as outlined in the Bylaws, regulations or as assigned by the Council or Executive Committee.

The Vice-President External and Community Affairs shall:

  • Act as a liaison with external groups and community organizations, including with other student societies, on behalf of the Society.
  • Act as a liaison with and lobby the government and with other relevant bodies on issues that affect the undergraduate student population, on behalf of the Society.
  • Be responsible for Society business related to, and organize Society representation at conferences held by external organizations, other than the University, in which the Society may have Membership or interest.
  • Be responsible for keeping Council informed of plans or actions of external organizations, outside the University, and federal and provincial governments that have a direct or indirect impact on the Society or its Members.
  • Facilitate collective action by undergraduate students and coordinate external and community based advocacy activities and campaigns on behalf of Membership.
  • Make recommendations on the establishment of policy on issues relating to external and community affairs.
  • Be the Chair of the External and Community Affairs Committee, or its equivalent, if such a committee exists.
  • Train and advise the incoming Vice President External and Community Affairs.
  • Perform any other duties as outlined in the Bylaws, regulations or as assigned by the Council or Executive Committee.

The Vice-President Equity and Sustainability shall:

  • Communicate and liaise with all constituency groups and collectives representing marginalized communities on behalf of the Society.
  • Act as a liaise with relevant University organizations, offices and departments dedicated to the awareness and elimination of discrimination on behalf of the Society.
  • Work to advocate in partnership with marginalized groups on campus in the interest of furthering equity and social justice.
  • Organize training and workshops for directors, staff and Members on anti-oppression issues.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that all Directors and Staff receive anti-oppression training within the first semester of the elected term.
  • Represent the Society on social justice and equity issues such as disability justice, anti racism, climate justice and sustainable issues and lobby the university, government or other bodies on such issues.
  • Communicate and liaise with equity and sustainability executives at other post-secondary institutions.
  • Make recommendations on the establishment of policy on issues relating to equity, anti oppression, disability justice, anti-racism, sustainability, and climate justice.
  • Be responsible for ensuring that all activities and endorsements of the Council reflect the anti oppressive mandate of the Society.
  • Promote the Society’s initiatives and activities that aim to raise awareness of discrimination at the University and in the community.
  • Be the Chair of the Equity and Sustainability Committee, or its equivalent, if such a committee exists.
  • Train and advise the incoming Vice President Equity and Sustainability.
  • Perform any other duties as outlined in the Bylaws, regulations or as assigned by the Council or Executive Committee.

The Vice-President Events and Student Affairs shall:

  • Act as a liaison with Student Unions, Constituency Groups, Clubs, independent student run societies, and other student groups at the University, on behalf of Council.
  • Coordinate student engagement events and activities of the Society.
  • Oversee the establishment and maintenance of Student Unions and Constituency groups and ensuring their meaningful participation within activities of the Society.
  • Make recommendations on the establishment of policy on issues relating to Student Unions, student groups, and other such matters relating to student affairs.
  • Be the Chair of the Events Committee, or its equivalent, if such a committee exists.
  • Train and advise the incoming Vice-President Events and Student Affairs.
  • Perform any other duties as outlined in the Bylaws, regulations or as assigned by the Council or Executive Committee.

Interested in running for a position? Nomination period starts on Monday, January 13, 2025! Read below how to apply.

All members of the SFSS must be given every reasonable opportunity to submit themselves as nominees to a position on the Executive Committee or submit a referendum question for consideration on the upcoming ballot.

Proposed candidates will be deemed eligible to run in a Society election where they:

  1. Meet the eligibility criteria (see Standards on page 37 of the SFSS Elections and Referenda Policies)
  2. Submit a signed and complete Nomination Package, within the elections nomination period (January 13– February 7, 2024) via email to elections.chief@sfss.ca
  3. Attend a candidate orientation (the date and location will be communicated later to successful candidates)

For more information on how to submit the Nomination Package, see NP-3: Nomination Submission and Review in the SFSS Elections and Referenda Policies.

All nominees to a position on the Executive Committee are required to attend the following candidate orientation. 

  • Orientation date and time: Monday, January 27th , (time and location TBD)
  • Zoom link to be communicated at a later date.

Have a question? Schedule one on one appointment with the IEC using this Calendly link or send an email to elections.chief@sfss.ca.

IEC Office hours (SUB 4001):

  • Monday: 12:00pm to 2:00pm
  • Tuesday: 10:00am to 12:00pm | 2:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Wednesday: 9:30am to 11:30am | 12:30pm to 4:00pm
  • Thursday: 2:00pm to 4:00pm
  • Friday: 11:30am to 1:00pm | 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Not for you? Do not worry, you can always vote in the Spring to elect your future executives.

Council elections will be held in accordance with the Constitutions of the respective Faculty or Department Student Unions or Constituency Groups.