All SUB bookable spaces are available to be booked 9am – 10pm/ 7 days a week. Booked spaces must be vacated by 10pm.

A meeting is a gathering of group members only (exceptions being workshop trainers). It can be for a social purpose, relate to the group mandate, planning, training etc. For dance groups and music groups this would include rehearsal with only group members.

A meeting does not require resources additional to those provided within the space. Staff will not provide set up or move furniture for meetings.

A request for a meeting space does not guarantee a confirmed booking. It can take several days to get a confirmed booking depending on your responsiveness to questions and on how straightforward your meeting request is or isn’t. Meeting requests where the activities listed fall under the classification of “event” and will require 10- 20 days as other events do.

DO NOT promote your meeting or give out room numbers until space is confirmed. The SUB has a limited number of meeting spaces and they are assigned on a first come first served basis.

*changes to the scope of your meeting or changes to significant required information (such as changes to or additions of speakers, significant additional attendees, attendees not being group members etc) being provided/added after confirmation may result in cancellation and/or the instruction to re-request as an event or a new meeting following the timelines provided for event and meeting bookings.

Meetings may not provide catered meals from any source. Snacks, coffee (individual or group) treats, individual take-out meals, pizza etc. may be brought in. If you are interested in catered meals from SFU or otherwise your “meeting”would fall under “event” and require a longer lead time.  *Potluck style may only be eaten for closed groups (only your group members) and one member in attendance must have a valid food safe certificate. FoodSafe guidelines must be adhered to at all times.

Level 2000

  • Meeting Room 2120, capacity 16
  • Meeting Room 2420, capacity 18
  • Meeting Room 2440, capacity 18
  • Dance Studio 2410, capacity 25

Level 3

  • Meeting Room 3210, capacity 10

Level 4

  • Meeting Room 4001, capacity 10
  • Board Room/Multipurpose room 4200, capacity 26

Booking spaces for meetings are facilitated bookings that need approval from SFSS staff. They are booked on a first come, first served basis. There is no charge for space rental for clubs, SUs and affiliated groups. Meeting spaces can be requested via our online portal and staff will contact groups to work with them on processing these requests.

  • Requests for meeting spaces must be received a minimum of 4 Business days and a maximum of one month in advance (not including the day of the meeting). Requests should be made early to ensure availability. Requests submitted on evenings, weekends, or holidays will not be received until the next business day.
  • Due to limited meeting space in the SUB we do not allow recurring meetings. No group may have more than one meeting on the SUB Meeting calendar at a time but groups may request another meeting at the completion of the meeting on the calendar (adhering to required request timelines) and space will be provided if available
    • Exceptions will be made for groups whose mandate requires use of specific spaces (example – dance and music rehearsals). *See note below
  • Due to limited space in the SUB, we cannot accommodate meetings requiring more than one room at a time. Multiple room bookings would fall under events and would be allowed on a one off basis if space permits
  • Due to limited space in the SUB we reserve the right to restrict the length of time a space may be booked for a meeting

We ask that changes to meeting requests including cancellations be made a minimum of 2 business days before your booking.

*for significant meetings such as AGMs etc that are in addition to regular meetings please request them as events following event booking timelines to ensure availability

Only the following SFSS Affiliated Groups are eligible to request Meeting Rooms:

  • SFSS Clubs, Student Unions, and Constituency Groups
  • SFSS Council
  • SFSS Executive
  • SFSS Committees
  • SFSS Staff
  • Groups with designated SFSS Space

Meetings booked between the hours of 9 am and 10 pm are free of charge to SFSS Affiliated Groups.Additional clean up and damages may be subject to additional charges on a case by case basis. If meetings are requested and approved outside of regular hours additional staffing charges will be incurred.

Booking Details and Activities

Booking requests remain tentative until all necessary information is provided and a confirmation email from SFSS is received by the booking group.

When filling out the Booking Request, it is crucial that all details of the meeting are provided – This includes but is not limited to:

  • Date and time of event
  • Time of set up and time of tear down
  • All planned activities
  • Food if any
  • Expected attendance
  • Speakers/Invited Guests

If change requests are made that alter the scope of the original request, the hold may be canceled and the group asked to resubmit their request.

If groups are participating in activities not listed in their booking request, they may be asked to leave the space and the meeting may be ended. This will be noted in your Group’s record in the SFSS Club/SU portal.

During and End of Meeting

Noise and sound must be kept to a reasonable level – your activity should not impact others doing their own activities. Staff reserves the right to ask for reduced noise levels.

Staff must be notified immediately of any spills, messes, damage, incidents.

Your meeting may not overflow into other spaces, unless those spaces are also booked

Spaces must be left as they were found, reset, and all trash and recycling moved out to multi-stream bins. Table tops must be wiped and free of food, crumbs, grease.

If groups are participating in activities not listed in their booking request, they may be asked to leave the space and the meeting may be ended. This will be noted in your Group’s record in the SFSS Club/SU portal.

If a group’s behavior or activities are considered contrary to SFSS policy, values and guidelines, SFSS reserves the right to shut down an event and refuse service temporarily or permanently.

CHARGES that MAY occasionally be incurred in meeting spaces:

  • Damage may incur charges and will appear as a debit to your SFSS group trust account
  • Additional Clean Up may incur charges
  • Cancellation may incur charges if previously quoted

Dance groups and music groups may have up to 3 bookings at a time on the SUB Meetings Calendar

  • Rehearsals are NOT performances and ONLY group members (registered undergraduate students in good standing with SFSS may attend)
  • If your group is offering training/workshops to members outside of your group this is considered an event
  • If your group is offering specialized training to group members in addition to regular rehearsals this is considered an event
  • If using a space for rehearsal that is a specialized space dedicated to something other than what your rehearsal is for you may be asked to give up the space as needed for the event being booked in (example: music groups using the ballroom for rehearsal).