Notice of Motion: Increasing the Diversity and Equitable Makeup of the Governance Committee to Include additionally Marginalized Equitable and Diverse Perspectives
March 23, 2023
Whereas it is important for the governance committee to have a makeup and representation that is reflective of the perspectives of diverse equity seeking communities and groups that typically not included on governance and policy making tables;
Whereas the VP Equity and Sustainability role is one role that enables equity perspectives in the SFSS and should be present during policy conversations;
Whereas constituency groups and affiliate student groups have valuable insights on equity and their various groups perspectives may be helpful;
Whereas there can be a mechanism for appointment where if groups are at capacity, all reps can be nominated for the seat and one selected at a vote at council, or none appointed if none of the groups want for the case of CGs or ASGs;
Whereas 1 member at large perspective from the membership would be good to include student voice to ensure the representation of student voices that may not directly be at the council and get to get an outside perspective;
Be it resolved to amend the following to governance committee terms of reference under Council Policies SO-5 under composition (below 5.1):
1. [Ex-officio] President
2. [Chairperson] VP Internal & Organizational Development
3. VP Equity and Sustainability
4. up to 1 Constituency group council representative seat
5. up to 1 Affiliate student group council representative seat
6. Four Councillors
7. Up to 1 member at large
8. [Non-Voting] Policy and Research Coordinator