August 1, 2023
Fall 2023 SFSS Clubs Days are coming up on Sep 12,13, and 14 from 11:00am-2:00pm in the SFU Burnaby Convocation Mall!
Sign-up today for a table at SFSS Clubs Days through the SFSS Club/Student Union Portals. To find the booking page: Log in to the portal > Navigate to Club Days Table Registration once you’ve logged in. Table priority at registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. The deadline for registration is Friday, September 8 at 12:00PM.
Your group will be able to book a maximum of 2 dates, with 1 table per day. Once you book the dates, you will be able to see your confirmation in the portal – you will not receive an email confirmation from the Student Centre. When picking your dates, please ensure that someone from your club will be able to arrive and claim your designated table by 11:30 am, else all unclaimed tables after 12:00 pm will be re-opened on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please find HERE a map of the tables layout and numbers.
Lastly, by participating in Clubs Days you agree to the Burnaby Clubs Days Terms & Conditions; please read over the document before you sign up for tables.
For additional information or any questions, please email clubsdays@sfss.ca