January 25, 2021
On January 6th, the SFSS Council passed a motion to launch a Departmental/Faculty Student Unions (DSU/FSU) Space campaign called #StudentsDeserveSpace.
The recent eviction in November 2020 of SFU Bachelor of Environment Student Union (BESU), and SFU Environmental Science Student Union from their common room exemplifies the need to secure student space on campus that are vital to students’ well-being and provide the support they need from their student unions.
This campaign will ensure that all student unions that voted in favor of this campaign will work with their respective departments and faculties to acquire or secure existing common rooms on campus for the long term with a written agreement.
Council will also be drafting a letter that aligns with the Space Campaign Briefing Note and this will be sent to faculties and departments.
For more information read the Student Union Common Room Analysis Report here.