BC Flood Support Motion

November 26, 2021
Whereas, many communities have been impacted by the recent British Columbia Floods, and it continues to harm communities across the province,
Whereas, the Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) wants to provide support to those who have been impacted, and from what we have seen immediate support will be needed and ongoing,
Whereas, even members within the Simon Fraser University (SFU) community and their families have been directly affected,
Be it resolved that the SFSS Council provide relevant and immediate support through coordinating physical donations within the Student Union Building (SUB) as a drop off centre in collaboration with SFU Ancillary Services, SFU Office of Community Engagement, Graduate Student Society, and community members,
Be it resolved that Council donate $10,000.00 from an appropriate line item as recommended by the VP Finance and Services,
Be it resolved that this donation be split between $4000.00 going to impacted communities and $6000.00 going towards buying essential items to donate,
Be it resolved to strike the Emergency Response Working Group (ERWG) through the External & Community Affairs Committee and appoint VP External & Community Affairs, Matthew Provost as lead and VP Events & Student Affairs, Jess Dela Cruz (co-lead) to coordinate Non-Executive Councillors, community volunteers, and external community members to help with donations, and continue to update the SFSS Council throughout the duration of this project,
Be it resolved to appoint a, b, c, d, e to the ERWG to help support and coordinate alongside the VP External & Community Affairs and VP Events & Student Affairs,
Be it resolved to allocate SFSS resources such as but not limited to communications, and SFSS social media accounts, email lists to further amplify messaging to support this initiatives,
Be it further resolved that a portion of the donations will be allocated to specified Indigenous Community(ies), this will be determined by the ERWG based off of need and requests, and ongoing research for the duration of this initiative.