SFU has some really amazing resources, tools and amenities. Here are some of my favourites:

Media and Maker Commons

The SFU Library Media and Maker Commons is a collaborative, hands-on learning space located in the W.A.C. Bennett Library in Burnaby. All SFU students, faculty, and staff are welcome!

Whether you are working on your research, coursework, or a personal project, the SFU Media and Maker Commons will provide you with space, services, tools, and training to make, create, prototype, and play.

Borrowing Laptops and Equipment

You can borrow a lot of technical gear and laptops. Some are available only to SIAT or Education students, but a lot of things can be borrowed by any SFU faculty, staff, or students.

Cycling on Campus Info: Bike Cage and Mobi Bikes

The Bike Cage is located on the northwest corner of the bus tunnel, adjacent to the southbound lanes. If you are interested in gaining access, please email parking@sfu.ca.

SFU Lockers

SFU Lockers are booked for 1, 2, or 3 terms and renewed annually. You can reserve a gym locker or a book locker.

Community Fridge

The SFU Community Free Fridge builds and enhances food security for the SFU community.

Based on similar programs in Canada and around the world, the Fridge is a safe, low-barrier and non-judgmental way for staff, students and faculty to support each other, to reduce waste, and to ensure everyone in our university community can feed themselves and their families.

How does it work?

If you need FOOD – come TAKE SOME. If you have extra food to GIVE, please leave it in the fridge for someone else – THANKS!

The fridge works on the principle of “take something, leave something”. You may have seen similar ideas like community free libraries or “take a penny, leave a penny” jars on store countertops – this is the same idea.

Who’s it for?

The fridge will be open for anyone who wants to take food from it or leave food in it. Donors can be individuals who bought too much, food services on campus who have extra that will be thrown away, or local grocers that have stock that cannot be sold for cosmetic reasons. By giving and taking, we are all playing a part in supporting each other and reducing food waste!

Where is the fridge?

The fridge is located on the first level of the Student Union Building (SUB) at SFU Burnaby, next to the kitchenette. The Student Union Building (SUB) is located south of Freedom Square between the Diamond Family Auditorium (DFA) and the Academic Quadrangle (AQ). Click here to download SUB’s floor plan to locate our fridge.

Food Bank Program

Facing hunger or serious financial pressures? Apply for and redeem $75 worth of food certificates once per semester. Intended for students in a state of need, this student-run service is funded primarily by donations and student fees.

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