End Outsourcing of Cleaning and Food Services Work at Simon Fraser University
April 14, 2021
The SFSS 2020-2021 Board of Directors passed a motion on March 26th to stand in solidarity with Contract Workers at SFU and endorse the Contract Worker Justice SFU Campaign. The motion urges Simon Fraser University to employ food service workers and cleaners directly and work towards having better pay and benefits for these workers through CUPE and Unite Here! as their bargaining agents. These workers are a vital part of the SFU community and deserve the right to job security, fair pay, and benefits.
Read Full Motion
Whereas, cleaning and food service workers at SFU are outsourced by the University, and not directly employed by SFU.
Whereas, this system leads to lack of job security, excludes workers from services provided by SFU, and results in low wages and precarious work.
Whereas, cleaners and food service workers on campus are primarily women, people of colour, and immigrants.
Whereas, the “Contract Worker Justice SFU” campaign has emerged to urge SFU to operate cleaning and food services back in house and employ these workers directly.
Be it resolved that the Board of Directors support and endorse the “Contract Worker Justice SFU” campaign
Be it further resolved that the SFSS sign onto the Open Letter on Contracted Services.
We encourage students to also sign on to the letter and volunteer here: https://bit.ly/3srGVrX