April 13, 2022

The SFU Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance is providing food vouchers to Deaf, disabled, and neurodivergent SFU and FIC undergrads doing parallel work sessions. This is also called body doubling. During a parallel work or body doubling session, two or more people keep each other company while finishing tasks, such as homework, housework, paperwork, and self-care. This can be online or in-person, following all DNA and COVID safety guidelines. You can use the vouchers to buy accessible food while working.

We will provide vouchers to 10 community members ($60 each). Participation is open to any SFU or FIC undergraduate student who identifies as disabled, autistic, neurodivergent, Deaf, mad, or having a disability, chronic illness, long-term condition, and/or mental illness.

To learn more and sign up, follow this link and fill out the Google Form: https://bit.ly/DNAfoodvoucher

If you have questions or trouble filling out the form, you can email SFU DNA at sfudna@gmail.com. You can also message a DNA executive member on the SFU DNA Discord.