Landy Liu


My name is Xi Lan (Landy) Liu and I’m running to be your SFSS president. I’m a fourth year Chemistry student with a minor in Nuclear Science. Since my first year, I joined student organizations and every year I have taken on more responsibilities while maintaining my academic achievements. Now I am ready to lead the SFSS and share my experience with other students. 

  • Science Undergraduate Society (SUS) President, VP Academic and Student A airs, and First Year Representative (2021 – 2024)
  • Residence Hall Association (RHA) VP Internal and National 
  • Communications Coordinator (2022 – 2025)
  • SFU Senate (2024 – 2025)
  • Chemistry Student Society (CSS) SFSS Representative (20242025)

In my free time I have directed research through a chemistry USRA related to p53 and cancer, been a part of local ultimate frisbee meetups, and you might just find me working at a pharmacy or the next townhouse gathering. 

To be a president who represents you, it is my priority to make you feel heard, included, and recognized. Just like we learned in school, my goals will be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound). 

COMMUNITY: SFU is commonly recognized as a commuter school, and many students are unsatisfied with the level of community on campus.

  • SFSS pro membership. The SFSS could partner with local restaurants and services to provide additional discounts/benefits for the membership holders on top of the already existing student services. These membership will be voluntary and the collected fees will go towards SFSS student organizations/charity initiatives. 
  • Community-led merchandise collaboration. Inspired by the creativity of SFU artists, SFSS will drop inspired hoodies from daily essentials to streetwear fashion to foster our school spirit. 
  • The Study theme nights. The Study is a bar and arcade across from the library, and could be an important hub for socialization. With popular turn out, this beloved restaurant by so many alumni could make a return. 

RESPONSIBILITY: SFSS collects money from every undergraduate student, so leaders should act with a student first mindset. 

  • Continue supporting free student services. Including the health and dental plan, SUB constituency group services, pancake breakfasts, and emergency food vouchers. Regular SFSS society updates and summaries of meeting minutes. The updates could take on forms of videos, newsletter, or town halls. 
  • Accountable SFSS spending. Student leaders are responsible to direct collected fees into meaningful events and initiatives that will positively impact the SFSS. 

Despite all these new ideas, the internal relationships between student clubs, student unions, and constituency groups will be maintained and strengthened. For example to highlight one core event from groups leveraging our social platform. Working with other inspiring executives, our diverse SFSS council, and hardworking building staff will be the foundation of my engagement. 

I encourage you to vote for me, but I’d much rather encourage you to explore all the other candidate’s profiles and make your own decisions. These informed choices that we make will be the difference in our community’s future. 

Reach me over email at, or find me on Instagram (landy_for_sfss_president).

Mehtab Singh

SFU Needs a Raccoon – And Real Action.

What I’m Going to Do for You:

✅ Make the SFSS Mascot a Raccoon

  • I’ll push for an official student vote to finally make the raccoon our mascot.
  • We’ll get raccoon-themed events, merch, and a student-chosen name for our new mascot.
  • I’ll set up a Raccoon Fund—a budget dedicated to student-led events, food programs, and campus life improvements.

✅ Make SFU Safer, Especially at Night

  • More security patrols and emergency call stations where students actually need them.
  • A Safe Rides Program—a student-run shuttle for late-night commutes.

✅ Fight for Affordable Housing & Food

  • Push for more student housing and fair rent policies so living near SFU isn’t impossible.
  • Expand meal plan options and grocery discounts so students can eat without breaking the bank.

✅ Fix Transit Issues

  • Demand more frequent buses, especially at night and during peak hours.
  • Expand the U-Pass program to include better transit options.

✅ Make SFU More Sustainable (and Save You Money)

  • More affordable plant-based food and better campus meal options.
  • A reusable dish and container program—better for the planet, easier for students.
  • More bike racks, e-bike stations, and safe pedestrian routes so students have real options.

Why Vote for Me?

I’m not here to make empty promises. I know what students need because I’m one of you. I’ll fight for real changes that make SFU better—and yes, that starts with making the raccoon our official mascot.

Vote Mehtab Singh – Let’s Make SFU Better, Together

Hyago Santana Moreira

Hello SFU peers,

My name is Hyago S. M., and I’m running for VP Equity and Sustainability. I’m a second-year International Development major —but more than that, I’m someone who really believes in community, action, and change.

For me, the fight for sustainability and equity isn’t just policy—it’s personal. I grew up in a poor countryside neighborhood, where my family felt the weight of climate change firsthand. My aunt’s house was flooded, my grandparents lost their crops, a forest I played in as a kid burned to the ground, and more. These experiences shaped me, teaching me to act rather than accept.

I started early—leading a school garden and composting project for 100+ kids, a recycling program for 2,000+ students, helping secure $1M for an environmental reserve, and organizing events that planted 3,000+ trees.

But sustainability isn’t just about the environment—it’s about people. As an international student, I know what it’s like to struggle to find your place, to work exhaustively just to stay afloat. And as a councillor, I also know the power of student-led advocacy—the way SOCA supports mental health, how FNMISA fights for Indigenous scholarships, the safe space Out On Campus builds for trans students, and the services DNA and the Women’s Centre provide.

These groups inspired me, and I want to work closer and help amplify their impact (including bt taking part in their regular meetings).

Why You Should Vote for Me:


Pillars I want to uphold during my term, if elected:

  • Legacy – Strengthening SFSS governance and building long-term sustainability.
  • Transparency – Ensuring accessible and fair budget distribution.
  • Engagement – Promoting fair elections, strong student media, and inclusive decision-making.
  • Community – Expanding student connections, traditions, and campus culture.


  • Uphold SFSS Issues’ policy, reviving its political spirit and releasing regular press releases as needed, including support for Palestinian liberation.
  • Advocate for better food security through government subsidies for the Dining Hall.
  • Uphold SFU’s responsibility upon students safety on campus. 
  • Continuity of equity training for STAFF and COUNCIL, reinforcing its importance through expanded and mandatory developmental sessions.
  • Continue advocating for a tuition freeze to make SFU more financially accessible to students.
  • Complete SFSS divestment process and urge SFU to ensure institutional divestment from unethical investments.
  • Push SFU and Burnaby City Hall to guarantee student safety and transparency regarding the Trans Mountain Pipeline.
  • Advocate for greater inclusivity in SFU sports, including the reopening of the climbing wall.
  • Push TransLink and the Mayor’s Council to commit to constructing the SFU gondola.
  • Advocate for a better cost-to-benefit ratio in SFU’s health care plan.

Find out about all my commitments and the FOUR BIG IDEAS through social media. 


Vote for Legacy, Transparency, Engagement, and Community.
Let’s build a stronger, fairer, and more sustainable SFSS together!
Socials: @hyagosm
Pledge to Vote:

I fully support the referendum question and the need for sustainable funding to protect and enhance student life at SFU.

Esther Nguyen

Hello SFU undergrads!

My name is Esther Nguyen, and I am running to be your VP Equity and Sustainability! I’m a second-year student in Health Sciences.

SFU is a place of diverse experiences—students juggling long commutes, working part-time jobs, navigating financial stress, and advocating for equity and climate justice. I have seen firsthand the power of student-led change, and I believe SFU needs leadership that listens, learns, and takes action.

My Experience:

  • Student Ambassador at the Global Student Centre (GSC) – Creating inclusive spaces where students from all backgrounds feel welcomed and heard.
  • Volunteer at SFU’s Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office (SVSPO) – Advocating for safer, more supportive communities through education and dialogue.
  • Hospital Volunteer at Surrey Memorial Hospital – Engaging with community health issues and understanding systemic barriers to care.

Through my work, I have engaged with students across campus and seen how deeply equity, sustainability, and student well-being are connected. As VP Equity and Sustainability, I will ensure that these connections are not just recognized—but acted upon.

Why am I running?

We are students, but we are also workers, caregivers, activists, and change-makers. I want to ensure SFSS stands with students.

Climate & Environmental Justice – Advocating for SFU to divest from harmful industries, improve green spaces, and commit to tangible climate action.
Accessible & Affordable Student Supports – Pushing for expanded mental health resources, financial aid, and accessibility services.
Equity Beyond Buzzwords – Ensuring that SFSS’s commitment to anti-oppression and social justice translates into real policy change, not just statements.
Stronger Student Representation – Making sure that marginalized voices are at the table, not just an afterthought in decision-making.

SFU is changing. Let’s make sure it changes for the better.

We deserve an SFU where students are not just surviving—but thriving. Let’s build a future that is sustainable, just, and student-powered.

Make your voice heard! Voting takes place February 27 – February 28, 2025, and you can vote via SFU email.

Together, we can create a university that works for all of us.

IG: @esther4equity

Besmillah Sultani

Hello SFU Students,

My name is Besmillah Sultani, and I am a 3rd year Computing Science student running to be your next VP Equity  & Sustainability in the upcoming SFSS elections. 


During my time at SFU, I’ve been actively involved in supporting students and building a stronger community.  Currently, I’m the Chair of the Student Refugee Program at WUSC-SFU, where I help refugee students adjust to  university life. I’m also the Co-founder & President of the Afghanistan Student Union, working to create a  welcoming space for students from different backgrounds to connect, share experiences and support one another.  Additionally, as a Student Ambassador for the Faculty of Applied Sciences, I assist new and prospective students  navigate their academic journey.  

Through these roles, I’ve learned how to advocate for students, bring people together, and push for real change. I  believe this experience has prepared me to take on the role of VP Equity and Sustainability, making sure every  student’s voice is heard and that we see real improvements in equity and sustainability at SFU. 

Why am I running? 

SFU should be a place where every student feels included, supported, and empowered. But the reality is, too many  students still face challenges. Whether it’s accessibility barriers, experiences of discrimination, insufficient  sustainability efforts, or the rising cost of housing and education, these challenges impact students every day. We  need real action to build a campus that truly supports everyone. 

As someone who has worked closely with equity-seeking groups and understands the barriers students face, I want to  push for real action, not just words. My goal is to create a more inclusive, accessible, and environmentally  responsible SFU by addressing key issues and ensuring student-led initiatives receive the support they need. 

I want to: 

  • Work with SFU to improve campus accessibility by advocating for better wheelchair-friendly routes,  increasing the number of all-gender washrooms, and creating more sensory-friendly spaces for  neurodivergent students. 
  • Push for better mental health support by working to increase access to counseling services, advocating for  the hiring of more culturally competent therapists, and making the appointment booking system easier and  more accessible for students. 
  • Support stronger climate action by improving waste management through better recycling and composting  education and introducing a Sustainable Exchange Portal where students can donate and trade textbooks,  clothes, and furniture. 
  • Help expand food security initiatives by supporting the growth of SFU’s food bank and meal programs and  working with student groups to advocate for more affordable and diverse food options on campus. 

The SFSS must take action to break down barriers that prevent students from thriving. As a community, we can uplift  student voices and ensure that SFU is truly an inclusive and sustainable place for all. 

Remember to vote through your SFU email and make your voice heard! 

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to reach out through the following contact channels. I  want to work alongside students to make real change happen. 


Instagram: bsultanii


Let’s build a better SFU together.

Vaibhav (Vee) Babbar


Vaibhav (VEE) Babbar is back—louder, bolder, and more fired up than ever—to transform SFU’s student experience as your next VP Events & Student Affairs!

We deserve a campus that feels alive—where events are bigger, student life is stronger, and our community is more connected than ever.


  • Faster Funding:  I will work to reduce wait times on grant approvals for clubs and unions. No more long waits!
  • A Campus That Celebrates YOU:  With students from 133+ Countries at SFU, let’s go beyond the usual! —so every culture gets the spotlight it deserves!
  • More NETWORKING!  Career Fairs, Industry panels, mentorships programs to help you build connections and grow beyond SFU.


As your current Associate VP Events & Student Affairs (2024-25) I’ve aided in the execution of events including:

  • Multiple SFSS Club Nights
  • Summer Fest 2024
  • SFSS x POH Yoga Night & First Friday Movie Night
  • Lunar New Year & Mid-Autumn Mooncake Festival
  • Diwali Night & Holi Festival
  • Winter Warmup Fair, Eid Al Adha, Pet Therapy, and more

Additional Experience: 

  • Community Advisor for SFU Residence
  • Associate Writer for The Peak Newspaper
  • Events Director for REMSA (@sfu_remsa)
  • President of Pursuit of Happiness (@sfupoh)
  • Former Independent Electoral Commissioner

Instagram: @vee4vpevents

It’s time to make SFU the campus we all WANT—Exciting and full of life.

Stay in the loop and be part of the movement—follow the campaign now!


Yousuf Naroo

SFSS Needs to become sustainable and work in the students best interests.

All the policies I push for is in order to make SFU less of a commuter school and or improve students lives

What I’m Going to Push for You:

  Make the SFSS have more social spaces

  • I’ll push for an official student vote to increase social spaces on campus. 
  • We’ll get analysts who will help decide what to build for our students. In the past SFSS has helped build the terry fox field.
  • I’ll help use the Build SFU Fund—a budget dedicated to help SFSS build improvement in facilities dedicated to students.
  • My current ideas for things to build include but are not limited to: dedicated rock climbing facilities, bigger multi faith center, in door ice ring, indoor trampoline area, indoor bowling ring, partying building (like a club), casino.  Final decision will be made after taking students’ ideas and opinions.

  Project UP UP – Unifying People, Unforgettable Programs

  • More diverse events where diverse student groups can interact with one and other.
  • Reform events to be more unique leaving students with friends and memories. 

  More Networking Events

  • Push for more industry socials so that students can get involved with industry and increase their chances in getting jobs in this depressed market.

  Make SFU More Sustainable (and Make You Money)

  • Push for an endowment so that students money will be invested wisely in order to help students events to be more sustainable as well as increase SFSS bursary payments.

Why Vote for Me?

While I may not be able to push for everything I want, I PROMISE to attempt by best to push for these policies. I plan to take students opinions for all the policies I want so as to best help those whom these policies are intended for.

Instagram: @ylord9 , @yousufnaroo_vpevents

Mayank Pandit

Hey SFSS Members, I’m Mayank Pandit, a fourth year REM major and I’m running for VP Events and Student Affairs because I believe SFU’s campus life needs a serious revival. Over the years we have lost key social spaces like “The Study Pub” and fire pits. The closure of such spaces has severely impacted campus life.

As a musician and creative, I know how to bring people together through engaging and inclusive events. My vision is to create a campus experience where every student regardless of background, identity, or interests feels like they belong. By improving accessibility, representation, and event planning, we can build a stronger SFU community.

Here’s my agenda – 

Empowering Student Clubs & Constituency Groups

  • Advocate for increased funding and identity based clubs, making it easier to host events that celebrate diverse backgrounds. 
  • Work with student clubs to reduce bureaucracy in event approvals, allowing them to bring their ideas to life with fewer roadblocks.


1. Prioritizing Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion 

SFU is home to a diverse student body, but campus events don’t always reflect that. While South Asian events like Holi and Diwali are celebrated, we need to do more to recognize Muslim, Arab, Latin, Indigenous, Black, and LGBTQ+ communities.

I will work closely with student organizations and constituency groups to ensure we host more events for underrepresented communities, such as Eid celebrations, Arab cultural nights, Latin festivals and, Indigenous led gatherings.

Improving accessibility is key. Events should be more physically and financially affordable for all students, with affordable tickets and accommodations for students with disabilities. 

2. Advocate to bring back “The Study Pub”

The Study Pub was more than just a bar. It was a community hub where students could socialize and enjoy live music.

I am already in discussions with the company that previously managed the space and will push for its return.

Reviving the pub would give students a social space on campus, creating opportunities for networking, student performances and casual meetups.

3. A smarter and more successful Fall Kickoff

Fall Kickoff is one of the biggest events of the year, and we have an opportunity to make it even better by booking artists that truly excite students and maximize attendance. Last year’s Fall Kickoff featured four different artists, but this approach didn’t generate the excitement needed to sell out the event. Instead of booking multiple smaller artists, I propose bringing in one major artist with a strong following.

Building a More Vibrant & Connected SFU

  • SFU should be more than just a place to attend classes. It should be a community where students can connect, celebrate their cultures and truly enjoy their university experience. By bringing back lost spaces like the Study Pub and fire pits, hosting larger and more inclusive events, and ensuring every student feels represented, we can create a campus that feels alive again.

My goal is simple: Make SFU exciting, welcoming, and engaging for everyone. I’m committed to making real change.

Ig – m.aynk

Albert Radu

Hey SFU!

I’m running for VP of Student Affairs and Events to transform Simon Fraser into a welcoming and connected campus where students can feel a greater sense of inclusion and belonging to the overall University community. Simon Fraser has long held the stigma of being a commuter school, but I believe students are interested and enthusiastic about seeing the SFSS embrace initiatives to break the stigma and encourage more on-campus engagement.

To do this, I’d like to implement the following initiatives within SFSS:

1. Creating Social Spaces and Opportunities

  • As a 3rd-year student at SFU, I still remember the Wintertime firepits that used to be set up outside the SFU library for roasting marshmallows and meeting other students. SFU has many high-traffic public spaces that can be transformed into social spaces with low-cost initiatives mirroring the firepits.
  • Seasonal Fairs, Celebrations, and School days are a staple of building a positive school community and spirit. Simon Fraser will benefit from the new perspective I can provide as a former UVIC student where I observed how the student body could contribute to creating events and fostering a thriving student community.

2. Club Reform

  • The Simon Fraser Student Society has the unfortunate reputation of being difficult to work with to acquire financing and support. Using my insider experiences as the Marketing Coordinator of SFU’s FSAE club, I will bring much-needed reform to the financing system to ensure that the distribution of funds is faster, fairer, and transparent to club organizers. 
  • The current club system is inconsistent with how clubs are approved and does not do enough to help new clubs advertise themselves. I will provide new clubs fair consideration for their applications and create a stronger online platform for new and existing clubs to advertise to new members. 

3. Strengthening Communication and Feedback

  • Students I’ve discussed with during my nomination have universally expressed their frustrations with feeling unheard by the SFSS. I will provide students with a well-advertised and easy-to-access direct communication portal so that their needs can be heard by the SFSS governing body. I hope to make students aware of the voice that they can possess to make change within the SFU community. 

I am a 3rd year student at SFU pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, and Minoring in Business Administration. My work experience includes being the Program Director of the Kitsilano Yacht Club, where I oversaw organizing the club’s events, finances, programs, and customer communications. During my time as Program Director, I helped the club grow to a record-high attendance and membership level, as well as fostering a tight-knit community. I am eager to utilize my experiences to make our vision of SFU a reality.

Feel free to reach out with the changes you’d like to see at SFU using my socials!

Instagram: albert.radu_

Giselle Rafe

I’m Giselle Rafe, a student in the Faculty of Health Sciences with a Business minor. My passion? Bringing people together, creating meaningful experiences, and making student life more exciting and inclusive.

 My Experience in Community Building:

✅ Founder of BodyBySelle Bootcamp – Built a thriving outdoor fitness community focused on engagement, growth, and connection. (

✅ Group Fitness Instructor at Oxygen Yoga & Fitness – Leading 20-25 people in dynamic workouts, fostering an inclusive and high-energy environment.

✅ Former President of Students 4 Students – Led a team of 30+ members to raise $2,000 for student-focused initiatives.

My Plan for SFU:

  1. SFU Student Engagement Hub – A centralized platform with bi-weekly event updates, club insights, and behind-the-scenes club experiences.
  2. Large-Scale Student Events – Bi-monthly events like Multicultural Day, SFU Olympics, and Professional Development Day to build a stronger sense of community.
  3. Direct Collaboration with Clubs & Students – Making it easier for student leaders to organize events, connect with students, and get the support they need.

I believe that engagement, collaboration, and student-driven initiatives can transform campus life. As VP Events & Student Affairs, I’m ready to make that happen.

Check out my full platform here:

Let’s build a stronger, more connected SFU, together!

Jessica Lamb

Hello SFU!

My name is Jessica Lamb, and I am excited to be running to be your next VP External and Community Affairs. I am a third-year transfer student from the Justice Institute of BC, now majoring in criminology. 

Throughout post-secondary, I have been passionately involved in the student movement, holding various executive roles and advancing long-standing efforts. I was three-times elected to the Board of Directors of the student union of JIBC, in which position I also served as an elected student representative on the Program Council, and an observer on the Board of Governors. In these roles, I was able to share student perspectives on key policy and program changes, as well as gain insight into the institution’s finances and other inner workings. 

I was also very engaged in campus life and promoting student welfare. I connected with other student unions and community groups to gain ideas about events and services we could offer students, such as holiday events, cultural events, a tea and treat cart that circulates a few times a week, Naloxone training, a food pantry, and therapy dog days, all free of charge. I also led the launching of the UPass campaign at JIBC, which is set to be implemented within the next year. 

Alongside this, I have been twice-elected as a Director at-Large for the BC Federation of Students, allowing me to be actively involved in many aspects of student advocacy. This includes connecting with MLAs and MPs to amplify the student voice.

I am so excited to be considered for the position of VP External, in which I will act as your liaison and representative out in the community, attending important events and raising awareness about your concerns. I can’t wait to meet and work with everyone!

Key Objectives:

1. Utilize existing connections within the community to advance our unique objectives as students at SFU by:

  • Maintaining important relationships and building new ones, and
  • Ensuring that the SFU student perspective is heard and acknowledged 

2. Actively engage students to promote spirited campus life through: 

  • Bringing ideas from other student unions and community groups to host events and offer activities for students 

3. Be a voice for students in the fight to make university accessible, affordable, and enjoyable for everyone by:

  • Continuing to work with other student-led and student-focused organizations to advance advocacy and lobbying efforts, including pushing for increased government funding to post-secondary institutions and a cap on international tuition fee increases

4. Connect students to the services they need, both within the university and externally by:

  • Being a familiar face around campus for students to approach with questions, and being well-versed in the services available and how to help students access them, and
  • Maintaining my positions within groups focused on student health insurance, legal aid, grant access, and food and housing insecurity

Remember SFU, that no matter what issues we face, we will face them head-on together, because this Lamb is not sheepish!


Socials: @jesslamborghini

Chitransh Motwani

Hello SFU!

I’m Chitransh Motwani, a fourth-year Computer Science student, and I’m excited to be running for VP External & Community Affairs. Over the years, I’ve dedicated myself to strengthening student life at SFU—whether through my current role as VP Events & Student Affairs at SFSS, my leadership as Co-President of the Indian Student Federation, or my work supporting students as a peer tutor and mentor. Now, I want to take that commitment beyond our campus, advocating for policies and partnerships that uplift SFU students and ensure our voices are heard at every level.

My Vision: A Stronger, More Connected SFU

  • Affordable & Accessible Education
    • Lobby for lower tuition fees, increased government funding, and more financial aid options for students.
    • Advocate for reduced transit costs and expanded U-Pass coverage to better support commuter students.
    • Push for affordable housing solutions and rental protections for students living off-campus.
  • Stronger Government & Industry Relations
    • Strengthen SFSS’ government lobbying efforts to ensure student concerns are prioritized in provincial and federal policies.
    • Build connections with local businesses, organizations, and industry leaders to create internship, mentorship, and job opportunities for SFU students.
    • Fight for increased funding for student-led initiatives and research opportunities.
  • Empowering SFU Students in Advocacy & Activism
    • Lead campaigns on student rights, climate action, and equity, ensuring SFU students have a say in issues that impact their future.
    • Support clubs, DSUs, and student activists by providing resources, training, and funding for advocacy projects.
    • Establish a Student Advocacy Hub—a space where students can get support for policy changes and grassroots activism.
  • Stronger Community Engagement
    • Enhance partnerships with local community groups, charities, and non-profits to increase student involvement in volunteer work and outreach programs.
    • Create more collaboration opportunities with other student unions across Canada to strengthen SFU’s role in national student advocacy.
    • Promote equitable and inclusive representation in all external engagements to reflect the diversity of SFU students.

Why Me?

  • Proven Leadership: As VP Events & Student Affairs, I’ve successfully led large-scale initiatives, built strong relationships with student leaders, and ensured student interests were at the forefront of SFSS decisions.
  • Advocacy & Experience: I have extensive experience in student governance, event planning, and community engagement, making me well-equipped to navigate external relations and lobbying efforts.
  • Passion for Change: I genuinely care about making SFU a better place for students, and I’m ready to fight for affordability, accessibility, and stronger student representation.

Let’s Make SFU’s Voice Heard!

Your voice matters, and together, we can create real change. Vote Chitransh Motwani for VP External & Community Affairs to ensure that SFU students have a strong advocate working for them—on campus, in the community, and beyond.

Voting Period: February 27th – 28th via SFU Mail.

Connect with me!
Instagram: @chitranshmotwani

Surya Murali

Dear Fellow SFU Students,

Simon Fraser University is more than just a school—it’s a community where we should all feel valued, supported, and empowered. Yet, many students continue to face financial hardship, hidden fees, and food insecurity, making it harder to focus on academics. At the same time, SFU’s rising tuition costs and lack of transparency in student fees are putting even more pressure on us.

That’s why I’m running for VP External & Community Affairs—to fight for affordable education, clear financial transparency, and a stronger student voice in decision-making. By working with SFSS, SFU administration, and key advocacy groups, I will ensure students are not left struggling without support.

Platform Highlights

1. Fighting for Affordable Education

  • With SFU facing a $20 million deficit, tuition increases are expected. I will work with the British Columbia Federation of Students (BCFS) and the Alliance of BC Students (ABCS) to push back against unfair hikes, especially for international students.
  • I will lobby the BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training and SFU’s Board of Governors to expand financial aid and student grants while advocating for multi-year tuition transparency so students are not blindsided by fee increases.

2. Addressing Food Security

  • Many students skip meals because food on campus is unaffordable. Having worked with the SFSS Free Breakfast Program, I have seen the growing need for better food access.
  • I will expand free meal initiatives and partner with the Greater Vancouver Food Bank and local grocery stores to provide discounted meal options for SFU students.
  • I will advocate for more communal kitchens and microwaves on campus so students have better options for affordable meals.

3. Combatting Racism & Discrimination

  • No student should feel unsafe or unwelcome on campus. I will collaborate with SFU’s Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Office and the BC Human Rights Clinic to:
  • Establish a centralized, anonymous discrimination reporting system with clear response timelines.
  • Push for mandatory anti-racism training for all SFSS representatives and SFU student groups.
  • Work with student advocacy groups to create campus-wide awareness initiatives.

4. Increasing Transparency in Student Fees

  • Many local students are automatically charged for dental insurance without realizing it. The current default system lacks transparency, leading to unnecessary financial strain.
  • I will work with SFSS and SFU Student Accounts to:
  • Improve the financial literacy resources so students fully understand their fees.
  • Ensure clearer communication on opt-out deadlines, so students don’t pay for services they don’t need.

Let’s Build a Stronger SFU Together!

This campaign is about more than just policies—it’s about students. I will fight for your right to an affordable education, a transparent fee system, and a safe, inclusive campus. If you believe in fairness, equity, and real change, I ask for your support in the upcoming SFSS elections.

Philippe Bamba

Hello SFU students!

My name is Philippe Bamba and I am so honoured to be running for the position of VP Finance & Services for 2025. I am a student at the Beedie School of Business concentrating in Accounting and Finance

As a passionate student, I’m currently hard at work with: 

  • SFU Surge | External Relations 
  • Accounting Student Association | Internal Relations 
  • Team Phantom SFU | Events 
  • UPhoto SFU | Finance & Events 

My Goals: 

Sustainability | Addressing the Budget Deficit 

  • The SFSS is too reliant on student fees. I don’t want student fees to continue increasing, so I want to diversify where the SFSS gets its money & find different revenues streams
  • Finding ways to save money on operations and events 
  • Increasing long-term investments 

Student Affordability | Curbing Student Cost Increases 

  • Acquire funds for scholarships and grants 
  • I will fight for affordable residence costs 
  • I will fight for affordable meal plans 
  • I will fight to reduce student tuition increases to 1% for the coming years by working with the Finance Department (carrying forward SFSS VP Finance Simar Sahota’s pillar for affordable education) 

Transparency & Accountability | Enhanced Documentation 

  • I want to highlight what SFSS member fees are being used for 
  • Publicly accessible and itemized documents highlighting what types of expenses are being created for large-scale events 
  • Keeping SFSS accountable for using funds effectively 

Commuter Advocacy | Reducing Parking Costs 

  • Students shouldn’t be having to “drop fat stacks” to park on campus 
  • I will fight for reductions in parking fees through direct negotiation with SFU 

SFU is my home. And while it certainly does look like a prison, the life I’ve made at this school–I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. That’s why I want to build a financial future for the SFSS that isn’t burdened on my peers. 

Give me the opportunity to create real financial change at SFU. Vote Philippe Bamba!

Want to support my campaign? Follow me on Instagram @bambaforsfss | @philmb_


Pranay Ratan

Hi SFU, I’m Pranay Ratan, a Data Science major and a current SFSS Councillor. the past year, I have worked to improve student engagement, financial transparency, and digital transformation within SFSS.

I’m running to bring bold, student-focused reforms that will strengthen SFSS finances, empower clubs, and establish long-term investment strategies that work for students.

SFSS should be a student-driven powerhouse—not just a fee collector.

Key Priorities for 2025

1. Smart SFSS Investment Strategy

Sustainable funding without raising student fees.

  • SFSS Investment Committee – A student-led team to strategically manage SFSS funds and generate passive income for student services.
  • Long-Term Investments – Establish low-risk investment portfolios (index funds, bonds, ethical stocks) to ensure financial growth without fee increases.
  • Partnerships with SFU Finance & Beedie Students – Provide hands-on financial experience by involving students in investment planning.

Why This Matters

Instead of relying on student fees, SFSS can generate financial stability and fund student programs through smart investing.

2. The SFSS “Golden Rule” – Holding Spending Accountable

Ensuring SFSS funds are used responsibly and sustainably.

Inspired by Brazil’s Regra de Ouro, this policy will limit unnecessary expenditures, ensure funding is student-focused, and prevent reckless financial management.

Key Policies:

  • Mandatory Financial Audits – Public quarterly reports tracking SFSS expenses.
  • Cap on Executive Expenditures – Restrict discretionary spending to prevent misuse.
  • Reserve Fund Protection – Maintain a financial safety net instead of excessive yearly spending.

Why This Matters

By applying the Golden Rule, SFSS will spend within its means, increase financial transparency, and prioritize student needs without raising fees unnecessarily.

This ensures student funds are used efficiently while keeping SFSS financially sustainable for future students.

3. SFSS App – Digital Transformation for Transparency & Engagement

Bringing SFSS into the 21st century.

  • Thriftopia – SFSS Sustainable Marketplace – A buy/sell/exchange platform for students to save money and promote sustainability.
  • Live Budget Tracker – A real-time budget dashboard so students can see where SFSS funds are being spent.
  • Club & Event Hub – Easier access to student organizations, events, and networking opportunities.

Why This Matters

A centralized digital platform will make SFSS more transparent, accessible, and student-friendly.

4. Club & Student Group Reforms – Sustainable Growth & Engagement

Empowering clubs and DSUs with the resources they deserve.

  • More Funding for Student Organizations – Increase grants, sponsorships, and direct financial support.
  • Revenue Generation for Clubs – Enable clubs to become self-sustaining through structured fundraising and sponsorship opportunities.
  • Sponsorship & Partnership Guide – Provide a clear framework to help clubs secure external funding.
  • Reduce Bureaucracy, Increase Engagement – Simplify club formation, reduce administrative barriers, and increase participation in SFSS Council.

Why This Matters

Stronger, more sustainable clubs mean more student engagement, better events, and a more vibrant campus life. By cutting red tape and improving funding access, we ensure student groups thrive without unnecessary barriers.

Why Vote for Me?

  • SFSS Councillor Experience – I’ve already worked inside SFSS, seen what’s broken, and know how to fix it.
  • Innovation-Focused – My experience in data science allows me to modernize SFSS operations.
  • Results-Oriented Leader – I have already delivered on financial transparency, event funding, and student advocacy— I know how to get things done.

SFSS should work for students, not itself. I will ensure financial accountability, innovation, and growth.

Viraj Chowdhary

As a candidate for VP Internal and Organizational Development, I, Viraj Veer Chowdhary, am committed to fostering a transparent, efficient, and inclusive governance structure within the SFSS. My focus will be on strengthening internal processes, enhancing communication, and supporting all members to ensure that the SFSS operates effectively and serves the best interests of the student body.

Candidate Platform for VP Internal and Organizational Development

1. Strengthening Internal Governance

  • Comprehensive Policy Review: Initiate a thorough review of existing SFSS policies and governing documents to identify areas for improvement, ensuring they are up-to-date, clear, and effectively serve the student body.
  • Transparent Decision-Making: Implement processes that promote transparency within the Executive Committee and Council meetings, ensuring that decisions are well-documented and accessible to all members.

2. Enhancing Committee Efficiency

  • Committee Support and Development: Provide training and resources to committee chairs and members to enhance their effectiveness, ensuring that each committee operates with clear objectives and accountability.
  • Regular Assessment: Establish a system for regular assessment of committee performance, allowing for timely interventions and support where needed.

3. Facilitating Effective Communication

  • Internal Communication Channels: Develop and maintain efficient communication channels within the SFSS to ensure timely dissemination of information among Executive Officers, Council members, and staff.
  • Member Engagement: Create platforms for members to voice their concerns and suggestions, ensuring that feedback is systematically collected and addressed.

4. Overseeing General Meetings

  • Efficient Meeting Coordination: Oversee the organization and logistics of all General Meetings, ensuring they are well-planned, accessible, and effectively communicated to the membership.
  • Member Participation: Implement strategies to increase member participation in General Meetings, such as interactive sessions and clear agendas.

5. Promoting Training and Development

  • Ongoing Training Programs: Coordinate continuous training sessions for Executive Committee and Council members to enhance their leadership and governance skills.
  • Resource Development: Develop comprehensive resources and manuals to assist current and future members in understanding their roles and responsibilities.

6. Ensuring Document Accessibility

  • Digital Archiving: Oversee the digital archiving of all important documents, including minutes, reports, and policies, ensuring they are easily accessible to members.
  • Information Transparency: Promote transparency by making non-confidential documents available to the broader student body, fostering trust and accountability.

7. Supporting Student Unions and Constituency Groups

  • Active Engagement: Maintain regular communication with Student Unions and Constituency Groups, ensuring their concerns are heard and addressed promptly.
  • Resource Allocation: Assist these groups in accessing resources and support from the SFSS, facilitating their initiatives and events.

8. Assisting the President and Assuming Duties When Necessary

  • Collaborative Leadership: Work closely with the President to support their initiatives and provide assistance in executing their duties.
  • Preparedness: Be ready to assume the duties of the President if they are unable to act, ensuring continuity in leadership and decision-making.
Jeffrey Collinson

Heya, I’m Jeffrey Collinson, a Geography major in my 3rd year of study at SFU the SFSS Council Representative for the Geography Student Union for a year now. I’m a fan of bicycling, donair and bubble tea, and reading too much science fiction (unfortunately for the course textbooks collecting e-dust on my phone)  

I think it’s hard for a candidate to say what they plan to do at this time, but with that in mind my goals are to: 

  • Ensure transparency of the Society by submitting Work Reports to the website in a timely manner; it’s stunning how these haven’t been submitted for the last one and half year, or half-year, respectively, when it shows the day-to-day functioning of the Society 
  • Better communicate the workings of the SFSS via social media (i.e. videos about policies) to make involvement in the Society more accessible and approachable 
  • In collaboration with the VP Finance, lower our deficit spending by ensuring Executives and Councillors do a fair amount of work for their stipend, and that events and projects do not fiscally harm core SFSS Services 

I also hope to: 

  • Host open-office hours for members, and if possible, do Executive work in open-to-you areas 
  • Re-work policy to update outdated wording, confusing language, and improve the functioning of the Society 
  • Centre Society Staff in as many decisions as possible, as they’re ultimately the people running the SFSS year-after-year 

“But Jeffrey,” I hear the hypothetical version of you in my mind, “why would I vote for you when your plans are just what you’d expect from a dutiful executive?” 

I have: 

  • One whole year of experience in SFSS Council, in which I’ve found policy review to be enjoyable and useful to all involved in the Society 
  • Learned in my degree the importance of being thoughtful in policy decisions as they can have far reaching implications 
  • Experience engaging new students through the SFU HIVE program
  • Realistic goals for the up-coming Executive term 

I hope to be your future VP Internal and see you all soon in office 🙂 

Email me at: if you wanna chat some more about my priorities, plans, and thoughts!

Johnny Gates

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Johnny, I am a third year Political Science major minoring in Public Policy. I am currently an SFSS Councillor representing the Public Policy Student Association. My hobbies include ping pong and jogging. I also enjoy reading historical biographies, as well as watching anything that is Star Wars related whenever possible. 

Why me? 

I believe the talents and skills that I have gained throughout my time at SFU and outside of it will allow me to act in this role to the fullest of its responsibilities. As a member of the Public Policy Student Association I have served in two roles, one being the SFSS councillor and the other being the Events Coordinator. As an SFSS Councillor I have been present at the Councillor meetings, educating myself and voting on important matters relevant to the SFSS. As the Events coordinator I have had to organize and plan events for many people while having to be flexible and willing to pivot as unforeseen needs or events occur. I also volunteer at an MLA office, giving me insight into how our provincial government operates, and an understanding of their policies. In my capacity as a volunteer I have had email responses to campaigns, allowing me to communicate complicated policies, and issues in a clear, and concise format. 

What do I hope to Achieve? 

Clearer Communication and a More Connected Community 

I will work hard to ensure that information coming out of the SFSS is clear and reaches as many students as possible. Through this I hope to reach as many potential leaders as possible whenever a vacancy within the SFSS opens up, and to increase student involvement in the Society. By filling up vacancies, both participation and student representation would increase, giving students a greater feeling of being a part of a community. 

Greater Opportunity 

I will work to increase the amount of opportunities students can gain from their time at SFU whether that be career wise or socially. For careers I will work hard to make sure there are career fairs, and opportunities to network so that students have the best chance possible to find jobs and get started in their careers. I will also champion more social events that bring the whole student body together. My hope is that by expanding the amount of opportunities available, we as a community will feel more enriched by our time at SFU. 

Thank you for reading, I hope that you will allow me to try and make your time at university as great as possible!

Thomas-Anei Lueth

Hello SFU!

My name is Thomas Lueth and I’m running to be your next VP Internal and Organizational Development! 

What I intend to do as VP Internal:

  • Improve the efficiency of the SFSS
    • Review and change policies with the SFSS’ Governance Committee in a timely manner, reducing unnecessary delays which impact student groups
    • Make club funding and the cheque requisition process easier for student groups
    • Make room booking and event hosting easier for students and clubs
    • Reduce layers of bureaucracy to allow councillors and executives to make positive changes within the SFSS
    • Increase FIC student involvement around campus and with the SFSS
    • Work with StudentCare to protect SFU students under the student health care plan
    • Work with the other executives to continue to free breakfast and add more free food events hosted by the SFSS
    • Improve the onboarding for new executives, staff, and council members
    • Collaborate with staff and other executives to prevent misuse of SFSS funds and provide adequate funding for clubs and student unions
  • Prioritizing Student Voices
    • Work closely with clubs and student unions to make sure student voices are still heard and clubs and student unions have their needs addressed by council
    • Ensure executives host weekly office hours to allow students to bring their concerns to the SFSS
  • Increase transparency and outreach
    • Work with campus groups to improve general awareness of the inner functions of the SFSS
    • Move the AGM to a better time for students; currently the AGM is hosted during midterm season, making it difficult for many students to join and advocate for their concerns
    • Increase SFSS outreach and make sure students are aware of SFSS events and services

Why should you vote for me?

Many students are unaware of the SFSS’ services, events and initiatives – as VP Internal I want to make sure that the student body is aware of all the SFSS offers. I have worked as the VP UAA for the 2023-2024 council term, advocating to the university for student needs and supporting student groups in the SFSS. I have helped coordinate multiple SFSS events, such as the SFSS Free Breakfast, the SFSS Munchie Mondays and more. As a previous executive, I am aware of how this system works and I aim to improve the SFSS to make it easier for students to make the change they want to see and foster a more inclusive, warm environment on campus. I am not going to shower everyone here with false promises, everything I have listed above I intend to accomplish and I know are attainable. Let’s make SFU better together!

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Instagram: @thomasforsfss, @thomaslueth24


Ash Powers

Hi! My name is Ash, I’m a third year history major running to be your next VP Internal & Organizational Development. Right now, I’m a board member of the Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group, and I’ve also been involved in the SFU Jazz Band and Concert Orchestra. Off campus, I have experience organizing alongside labor unions, neighborhood advocacy groups, and student organizations. My involvement in campus and community advocacy has taught me the power of organization at SFU and beyond. With all that said, let me tell you why I’m running…

Right now, universities operate more like corporations—raising tuition, cutting essential services, and making decisions without real student input. The SFSS has the potential to be a powerful force against these issues, but only if we treat it like a real union—one that gives students the power to push back and win lower tuition and a better university.

A key step toward this is joining the BC Federation of Students and the Canadian Federation of Students. These organizations connect student unions across the country, allowing us to coordinate campaigns for lower tuition, increased public funding for education, and student debt relief. Right now, SFU students are missing out on this broader movement. By affiliating, we can strengthen our collective voice and push for these demands at the provincial and national levels.

As VP Internal, I will work to ensure that the SFSS works for students by strengthening accountability and ensuring that the SFSS is responsive to student needs. I will work to educate students about their rights and ensure that SFSS policy is carried out to the benefit of students. 

In assisting with the balancing of the SFSS budget, I will strengthen student services to mitigate the hardships of the cost of living crisis. I will also push for greater transparency around SFSS finances, ensuring students know where their fees are going and that the budget is used to support essential service.

In my work with the Simon Fraser Public Interest Group, I have helped conduct social investigation – a form of research that involves directly talking to students to understand the challenges they face and the issues that matter most to them. As VP Internal, I will use this ongoing research to guide decisions and take real student input into account to make sure the SFSS is truly working for us.

Jorawar Singh

Hey SFU!

I’m Jorawar Singh, a Business Administration student at the Beedie School of Business—but before you assume I’m just another business student, let me assure you, I’m not! If you’ve ever been near a ping pong table on campus, chances are you’ve seen me in action. And if we haven’t had a chance to chat yet—let’s change that!

I’m running to be your next VP Internal Affairs because I’m passionate about the student movement and committed to making OUR experience at SFU a LEGENDARY one. My role, if elected, will be to ensure that the SFSS stays focused on YOU—the students.

Although this would be my first year working with SFSS, I’m coming in with a mindset to learn from you—because let’s be real, flexibility is key. While I can’t promise to completely change the face of SFSS overnight, what I can promise is to work tirelessly with my skills and engagement to build a stronger community of students—led by a stronger SFSS.

So why me? Here’s what I plan to accomplish in 2025/2026:

  • Keeping you in the loop—Making SFSS more accessible and transparent so you always know what’s happening.
  • Strengthening internal connections—Ensuring better communication within SFSS so we can serve you more effectively.
  • Supporting SFU communities—Empowering clubs and student groups to thrive.
  • Improving internal processes—Streamlining how SFSS operates so we can help you better and faster.
  • Getting SFSS out of the deficit—Collaborating with the VP Finance to allocate our funds efficiently for the students.

This is OUR SFU, and together, we can make it better than ever. Let’s make it happen!

Rishu Bagga

Hello SFSS Members,

My name is Rishu Bagga, and I’m excited to announce my candidacy for VP UAA

I’ve had the honor of serving as your current VP University. During this time, I’ve acted
as a bridge between you and the University, advocating for your needs and driving
meaningful change. I’m now asking for your confidence to re-elect me based on the
progress and impact we’ve achieved together.

What I’ve Accomplished During My Term:

  • I strengthened relationships with the University and partnered up with them to promote mental health by raising awareness about My SSP student mental health support program. 
  • Provided students with essential, life-saving overdose response skills (Naloxone training) during a critical time of increased overdose cases. 
  • Worked to push SFU to launch an initiative providing free period products in washrooms across the University. 
  • Launched the SFSS Satisfaction survey, an important feedback tool after a three-year gap, giving students a direct platform to voice their opinions about SFSS services. 
  • Actively participated in many SFU’s committees where I brought forward the student perspective and advocated for student priorities. 
  • Worked with the Provost’s Office on shaping the University’s 2025-30 Academic plan, which will impact students for years to come. 
  • Organized events like Diwali, Club Nights, SFSS Town Halls, and more to foster a sense of community on campus. 
  • Ran Munchie Mondays throughout the semesters, providing free food to students as part of our commitment to addressing food insecurity. 
  • Utilized my strong connections with University departments to secure sponsorships, enhancing the scale and quality of SFSS events. 

These are just some of the projects I’ve been proud to lead. However, my most
important takeaway from this role is that real change takes time.

What I Plan to Accomplish if Re-Elected:

  • Advocate for more hybrid classes and replace subscription-based services with free alternatives, easing financial burdens, and making learning more accessible.
  • I will work with SFSS Constituency groups and Affiliated groups to learn and advocate for their priorities, so these groups can provide their wonderful services to the students.
  • Work with various groups and advocating to reduce some burden on the SFSS’s overhauled food security initiatives
  • Advocate against SFU’s budget cuts that effect student services, which puts excessive strain on SFSS’s groups.
  • Build on our current efforts to provide enhanced mental health support for all students.
  • Advocate for the University to address the backlog of academic dishonesty appeals, ensuring timely and fair resolutions for students.

Why Re-Elect Me?

  • I bring a track record of results, strong advocacy, and effective leadership. 
  • I’ve already built solid connections with SFU’s administration, eliminating the steep learning curve and transition period a new candidate would face.
  • I believe in setting realistic goals not flashy promises and working tirelessly to achieve them.

At the heart of it all, I love this job and I’m deeply committed to continuing the work we’ve started. With your support, we can build on this momentum and achieve even
greater success in the year ahead.

Thank you for your trust and consideration.

Brian Nderitu

Academic Affairs

Education should be more than just lectures, and university life should be more than academics. Every student deserves the resources and opportunities to thrive both personally and academically.

I’m Brian Kariuki Nderitu, a 4th-year Bachelor of Arts and Science student in Criminology. Originally from Nairobi, Kenya, I moved to Canada alone at 15, completing high school in Toronto. Since 16, I’ve worked in leadership roles, developing resilience, problem-solving skills, and the ability to make informed decisions that impact others.

Why I’m Running

Through my work and student involvement, I’ve seen how an inactive and disconnected university environment diminishes student experiences. I want SFU to be a place where everyone feels supported, heard, and empowered.

My Goals

1. Revitalize Classroom Engagement (2025-2026)

  • I will advocate for policies that encourage debate, critical thinking, and student-led discussions, ensuring all students—whether in-person or online—have an active voice in learning.

2. Enhance Interfaculty Collaboration (Launching Fall 2025)

  • I will introduce forums where students from different disciplines can discuss industry trends and real-world applications, fostering collaboration and cross-disciplinary problem-solving.

3. Make Education More Accessible & Affordable (Ongoing)

  • I will push for open-access course materials, work to integrate textbook costs into tuition fees, and advocate for more scholarships and bursaries to reduce financial barriers.

4. Establish SFU Sports Day (Spring 2025)

  • I will create an SFU Sports Day to promote community bonding between students, faculty, and their families through friendly competitions and campus-wide participation.

Why Vote for Me?

I am a decisive leader with experience managing diverse teams, advocating for student concerns, and finding practical solutions. My background in criminology strengthens my problem-solving skills, while my personal journey has taught me the importance of resilience, empathy, and community.

I’m not just a candidate—I’m a student like you. Vote Brian Kariuki Nderitu for VP University & Academic Affairs, and let’s build an SFU that fosters critical thinking, collaboration, and student well-being.