SFU Health & Counselling (HCS)

Burnaby: 778.782.4615
Vancouver: 778.782.5200
Surrey: 778.782.5200
The team of doctors, nurses, counsellors, psychiatrists, & health promotion specialists collectively and positively influence student health & well-being. Doctor and counselling appointments are available in Burnaby and Vancouver. Counselling is available by appointment in  Surrey. These services are free for SFU and FIC students only!
Not sure where to start? Consider attending a virtual drop-in with one of the Health and Counseling Access Case Managers: https://www.sfu.ca/students/health/get-support/hcs-service-navigators.html
Other great resources from Health and Counseling:

My SSP (Student Support Program)

Outside North America call 001.416.380.6578
My SSP is available 24/7, via app or phone, to all SFU students  (graduate, undergraduate and post-doc).  Students can access immediate and ongoing, confidential mental health and well-being support.  Available in multiple languages from North America or abroad.

SFU Sexual Violence Support & Prevention Office (SVSPO)

sv-support@sfu.ca https://www.sfu.ca/sexual-violence
The SVSPO is a trauma-informed and survivor-centred service which offers support to campus community members impacted by sexual violence and misconduct, regardless of when or where the incident took place. It offers confidential support, information and referrals at any SFU campus or an alternate location. The SVSPO also provides educational programming and initiatives.

Connecting with an Indigenous Counsellor

  • Book an appointment with SFU’s Indigenous Counsellor, email isc_well@sfu.ca and ask to book with Jennifer, HCS Indigenous Counsellor

Local Reduced or No-Cost Counselling Options

Healing in Colour

This directory is meant to make the search for a BIPOC therapist easier and lists practitioners across Canada.

Our Landing Place


Online counseling with a specific focus on serving the LGBTQ2+ community. Pro Bono and Sliding Scale options are available.  The Community Access Fund is reserved exclusively for LGBTQ2IA+ folx, with priority being given to those living with multiple intersections, particularly BIPOC and Disabled folx. They welcome those experiencing financial barriers to accessing mental health services (including HRT and Surgical Readiness Assessments) to contact us to inquire about available funds.

Provincial and Health Authority Supports

  • The Fraser Health Crisis Line is also available 24/7 to address COVID-19 related anxiety, depression and other mental health issues at 1-877-820-7444.

App-based Support

Finch– this app coaches users to practice self-care and wellness through daily check in’s with their own personal little bird friend.  Particularly useful parts include the first aid sections for when you’re having a rough time, breathing coaching and goal setting features.

For more specific resources and support organized by identity groups, please also see this page: https://sfss.ca/specific-resources-for-equity-groups/


Know of a resource we should share? Please send that info to studentadv.coord@sfss.ca!