January 22, 2024
Every year a new Executive Committee is elected to lead the SFSS and represent SFU undergraduate students. The Committee includes the following positions:
All SFSS members in good standing* of the SFSS are eligible to run for the Executive Committee. To maximize your chances to get elected for one of these amazing positions, make sure to read the SFSS Elections & Referenda Policies document before sending your nomination package.
The nomination period ends soon on January 28. So hurry up!
All 7 leadership positions offer a stipend and can count towards up to 3 SFU co-op terms.
For more information on each position and how to apply, visit the main SFSS Elections page and the Elections Documents and Forms.
* SFU undergraduate students who have paid their student activity fee to the society as well as any fees, fines, and penalties levied as per the SFSS By-laws if applicable.