June 7, 2021
Nominations are now open for committee At-Large representatives and will close on June 23rd, 2021, at noon. Access https://sfss.ca/about/committees/join-a-committee/ to apply for a position on one of the eleven active committees.
Why should I join a committee?
Committees are responsible for a range of activities, including but not limited to providing support for planning and hosting campus events, advocating on behalf of the members on issues such as making education and transit more affordable, and providing recommendations on where space upgrades are needed across all three campuses.
Selection Process for At-Large Members
Everyone will be acclaimed for their committee(s) of choice unless the number of interested individuals is greater than the number of available seats. If that’s the case, Council will vote based on the answers on the Application Form expressing interest in volunteering for the position. Council will approve the appointments at the next meeting.