Notice of Motion: Addition of DNA representative seats to the Accessibility Committee
March 23, 2023
Whereas it is important to have Constituency representatives at the table for matters that may impact their constituents directly on the various committees;
Whereas the SFSS has an accessibility committee that must be formed that deals with matters of accessibility and approve grant requests;
Whereas DNA is the recognized constituency group that represents issues relating to accessibility, neurodiversity and disability justice on campus;
Be it resolved to amend the Council Policies SO-11 to add the following under the Composition subsection (below 11.4):
1. [Ex-Officio] President
2. [Chairperson] VP Equity and Sustainability Executive Officer as designated by Council; or, on recommendation of the Committee, another member of the Committee
3. Four Councillors
4. up to two representatives of the Disability and Neurodiversity Alliance (DNA)
5. Minimum 2, up to 4 at-large members
6. Up to 1 DNA Councillor Representative (ie: optional on if the councillor representative accepts the nomination and appointment)”