June 28, 2022

Whereas the terms of reference for the CRAI currently contain several minor typos

Whereas the purpose listed in the terms of reference for the CRAI is currently inaccurate

Be it resolved to amend the “Purpose” section in the CRAI Terms of Reference by striking it and replacing it with “The purpose of this committee is to interview candidates for the IEC Commissioner Positions and make a recommendation to Council for the appointment of candidates to the IEC.”

Be it further resolved to amend the “Deliverables” section in the CRAI Terms of Reference by striking all occurrences of the word “Board” and replacing it with “Council”

Be it further resolved to amend the first sentence of the section “Communications” in the CRAI Terms of Reference by striking the words “in person”

Be it further resolved to amend the second bullet point of the section “Relevant Bylaws and Policies” in the CRAI Terms of Reference by striking it and replacing it with “SFSS Elections and Referenda Policies”