November 8, 2021

Whereas R-6 Resignation, Leave of Absence, and Regrets has policies around leaves for Council members that are very basic;

Whereas the policy doesn’t allow for flexibility in different forms of leaves, reduced working hours, or other options forcing a councilor to either work through their challenges or go without their stipend;

Whereas stipends support the hours and work contributed by Council members who rely on them to pay costs;

Be it resolved that Council approve changing R-6.7 with the following:

“Of this leave of absence, 21 business days of these may be paid in relation to sick leave, mental health leave, bereavement, ceremonial leave, and family obligations. No medical note is required for this. Reduced hours surrounding times of these leave of absences may be seen and shall not be determined as neglect of duties or unreasonably penalized. It is the expectation of the councilor in question, that there shall be an appropriate move to normalcy in terms of the expectation of workload.”