July 18, 2022

Whereas there are procedural issues in SO-3 that do not reflect established practice, in that the executive committee has not met weekly since the new governance model change

Whereas there are minor housekeeping issues that also need to be addressed within SO-3, to ensure that SO-3 can be clearly interpreted by Council

Be it resolved to strike point 1 in “Relevant By-Laws” and replace it with:

  1. By-Law 7

Be it resolved to amend SO-3.1 by striking “4” and replacing it with “7”

Be it further resolved to amend SO-3.2 by striking “inthe” and replacing it with “in the”

Be it further resolved to amend SO-3.5 by striking “specificportfolios” and replacing it with “specific portfolios”

Be it further resolved to strike SO-3.10 and replace it with:

3.10. The Committee shall meet in-person or electronically, at the call of the Chair. The Chair may call a meeting where a notice of two working days has been provided.

Be it further resolved to amend the “Composition” section of SO-3 by adding in a new point 5 that reads “[Non-voting] Building Manager” and renumbering accordingly.

*SO-3: This standing order outlines how the Executive Committee operates. This amendment fixes the grammar, typos, and bylaw references. It further officially adds the Building Manager as a non-voting member of the committee, since his attendance is required in practice.