Notice of Motion: SO 11 Accessibility Fund Advisory Comitttee Standing Order
March 21, 2014
The proposed edits to the SFSS Policy Manual (SO-11) will be considered at the Board of Directors meeting no earlier than April 7. The proposed changes to the current SO-11 are underlined:
1. Standing Committee
Board of Directors shall maintain as a standing committee of the Society an Accessibility Fund Advisory Committee.
2. Composition
a. Chairperson: Treasurer
b. President (Ex-Officio)
c. Member Services Officer
d. One Board of Directors
e. Two students nominated by and from the membership of Students United for Disability Support or in the event that SUDS is not active in any given semester two students recommended by Forum or by SFU’s Centre for Disabilities
f. [Non-Voting] General Office Coordinator
g. One at-large student member (not a member of the Board of Directors). Notwithstanding Standing Order 1 (Society Standing Committees, Ad-hoc Committees and Working Groups), said membership shall be appointed by Forum.
h. [Non-Voting] Student Union Organizer
i. [Non-voting} Hi FIVE Movement student representative/liaison or a representative of a similarly recognized mental health organization on campus should Hi-FIVE cease to exist.
3. Terms of Reference
a. Review and monitor usage of the Student Society Accessibility Fund as per AP-22 Accessibility Fund
b. Make decisions and give approval to accessibility related capital expenses such as technological aides as well as approve other accessibility related projects as described in ‘Definitions’ in AP-22 Accessibility Fund
c. Review and make recommendations to amend, add and/or delete sections of policy relating to issues of accessibility and the Accessibility Fund.
d. Research, maintain and approve a list of priced accessibility services to be made available in the General Office.
e. Hear appeals of decisions taken by the Student Union Resource Office, the General Office, and the Finance and Administrative Services Committee.
f. To support the education and promotion of mental health and wellness by engaging with students, building community, and cultivating dialogue around mental health and illness to facilitate better overall health and wellbeing for students through initiatives such as the Hi-FIVE Movement.
g. The Committee shall meet at least once per semester or as required.
h. All discussions of a sensitive or confidential nature shall be held in camera.