Learn more about our
Food Bank Program

Facing hunger or serious financial pressures? Apply for and redeem $75 worth of food certificates once per semester. Intended for students in a state of need, this student-run service is funded primarily by donations and student fees. Apply here with only your student number for confidentiality.

Staff at the SFSS Student Centre will prepare a sealed envelope containing the Emergency Food Bank Program Certificate, with only your student number visible. The envelope will be ready within 10 business days of request submission. To pick up, simply let the Student Centre Staff know that you have an envelope to pick up, and provide your student ID card. Staff will cross-reference your student number with the prepared envelope – no names and other identifiers will be recorded.

You may then redeem your certificates at Nesters Market Burnaby, Nesters Market Woodwards, or Surrey Central T&T. At the till, the cashier will also check your student ID card for the correct student number – no information will be recorded. The Food Vouchers may be used towards the purchase of food items only. All Food Vouchers will expire at the end of the fiscal year, April  30th, 2025. The SFSS is not liable for any unused food vouchers. Expired or unredeemed vouchers will be considered null and void and cannot be used at any location mentioned above.

Questions? Contact studentcentre@sfss.ca

Past Events

The Food Bank Research Project is a $20,000 project that is jointly-funded by the SFSS and SFU, with the goal of improving the Food Bank Program for SFSS students. The cost of the Food Bank Program has risen to an unsustainable level, without evidence that it is solving the problem it seeks to address. The project aims to ensure the program is effectively and efficiently meeting the food security* needs of students.

The goals of the project are as follows: 1) to assess SFSS student food security; and 2) to put forward a recommendation to the SFSS Board of Directors for the redevelopment of the Food Bank Program. The project will also develop a summary of food resources in and around the SFU community that offer a complement to the program.

A series of roundtables and focus group events with SFSS and FIC students were conducted to receive student feedback on this project and on food access challenges and barriers generally. In order to better assess food security at SFU, SFSS staff also created an online household food security survey for all SFU undergraduate students.

These student consultations will help the SFSS redevelop the Food Bank Program to better serve our members.

*Food security, as defined by the UN Committee on World Food Security, means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.


We thank the Graduate Student Society, Out on Campus, Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group, SFSS Board of Directors, SFSS Member Services Coordinators and Staff, SFU Residence and Housing, SFU Student Services, SFU Women’s Centre, and many SFU students for their commitment, valued contribution to dialogue, and hard work in alleviating student hunger at SFU.


All Undergraduate students at SFU in need can apply for the SFSS Food Bank Program once per semester.

Voucher pick up and redemption

Your food bank vouchers can be redeemed at the following locations:

  • Nesters Market (SFU Burnaby)
  • T&T Supermarket – Surrey Central City Shopping Centre (10153 King George Blvd #3000, Surrey, BC V3T 2W1)
  • Nesters Woodwards (SFU Woodwards)

At the till, the cashier will check your student ID card for the correct student number – no information will be recorded. The Food Certificates, valued at $25, may be used towards the purchase of food items only. Should your cart value exceed $25, you may use your own funds to make up the difference.

Alternative Community Resources

Here are some alternative resources you can reach out to:

Greater Vancouver Food Bank: https://www.foodbank.bc.ca/
Surrey Food Bank: http://www.surreyfoodbank.org/
Langley Food Bank: http://www.langleyfoodbank.com/
Richmond Food Bank: http://richmondfoodbank.org/
Food Bank BC: http://www.foodbanksbc.com/
Food Bank Canada: https://www.foodbankscanada.ca/
SHARE: http://sharesociety.ca/food-bank/
Single Parent Food Bank: http://www.singleparentfoodbank.org/

Saige Food Bank & Community Kitchen: https://saigecommunityfoodbank.com/