March 9, 2022

With excitement, the SFSS Executives voted unanimously on a motion brought forward on February 22nd, 2022 by VP Equity and Sustainability to donate $3000 to help kickstart the Vancouver Black Library for February’s Black History Month. 

The month of February is officially recognized by the House of Commons as Black History Month and this milestone was spearheaded by the Honorable Jean Augustine, who is the first Black woman to sit in the House of Commons. In solidarity, the SFSS wholeheartedly recognizes Black History Month and understands the importance of amplifying this month, not only during February, but throughout the year in order to continuously appreciate Black excellence, joy, contributions, and achievements. 

Our Issues Policy (IP-2) titled Black History Month highlights the importance of supporting the Black community and highlighting achievements outside of trauma and struggle (as many times, this can be the only focus during a month that is meant for celebration) while focusing on Black love, art, and joy. 

We further believe that there are systemic barriers that prevent the Black community from reaching their full potential within institutions as a direct result of the exclusion of racialized people from the creation and implementation of space, programs, policies, and practices. For example, in so-called Vancouver, we have seen this exclusion and eradication of Black neighborhoods (which was referred to as “urban renewal” at the time) that resulted in the demolition of the city’s first and last Black community, Hogan’s Alley. As a result of the eradication of the identifiable Black neighbourhoods, there have been great impacts on the community, including but not limited to: a lack of Black safe spaces, areas to learn, and the inability to experience a community built through an intersectional lens. 

Due to this, it is essential that unions use their power, privilege, and resources to amplify and support the efforts of Black groups doing anti-racism and anti-oppression work in order to support safe and culturally appropriate spaces, initiatives, and services. Furthermore, in light of this, the SFSS Executives have voted unanimously to support a new initiative called the Van Black Library which is a not-for-profit initiative striving to foster a nurturing community environment for Black people in so-called Vancouver. The proposal is a library run by Black organizers, dedicated to Black and BIPOC community members. This is a space not only to sign out books for free but this is also intended to be used as a study space, a relaxing and safe space. It caters to the needs of the Black community first and foremost. Moreover, the long-term goal is that the Van Black Library can be a springboard for other initiatives like group therapy, community care efforts in the realm of fundraising, childcare, art exhibitions, poetry readings, book clubs, zine-making, and more. 

We hope that our donation not only fosters a much needed safe Black space within so-called Vancouver, but that through our donation we set an example of how important it is to not only discuss the importance of Black History Month, but to also provide resources and support financially to ensure the continuity and longevity of these spaces. 

To learn more about the Vancouver Black Library and how to make monetary or book donations follow their social media and gofundme page below:

To learn more about Black History Month in so-called Canada:

Full motion put forward:

Full statement here: