December 11, 2020

The Simon Fraser Student Society (SFSS) supports the SFU Re-use for Good initiative in the decision to eliminate the sale of pre-filled water bottles at the SFU campuses on December 31st, 2020.

The SFSS was briefed on this project by the Ban the Bottle club and the Re-use for Good Committee. The reasons for eliminating pre-filled water bottles from campus are

  1. Over 1 million single-use cups and plastic bottles are disposed of each year at SFU. Currently, only around 9% of plastics are recycled in Canada and public concern is quickly growing about the impact of single-use products, especially plastics. Single-use plastics and single-use products (SUPPs) are having serious impacts on our environment, marine species and even our own health.
  2. The plastics industry and water bottling industry are directly linked to negative impacts for the health and water security of neighbouring communities. These impacts most often fall on Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities.
  3. The university provides high-quality and readily accessible tap water across all campuses through bottle refill stations.

Water availability for all students with various accessibility needs will be ensured by keeping a small number of plastic water bottles behind the counter of dining vendors that are available by request. The Re-use for Good initiative is working closely with vendors to ensure vendor staff are adequately trained and will put student’s accessibility needs first. This plan was reached in consultation with the SFU Diversity and Neurodiversity Alliance.

The SFSS commits to aligning with this decision in the Student Union Building regarding any dining and vending contracts.

Read the full statement here.