January 26, 2022

On Monday, January 24th, SFU returned to full in-person instruction. This mandatory return was conducted amid the highly transmissible rates of the Omicron variant, its overwhelming impact on the healthcare system, and the danger it presents to disabled and immunocompromised SFU community members. SFU’s actions both encourage the spread of COVID-19 and understate the impact it can have on many community members.

The SFSS, TSSU and many undersigned SFU campus groups, individuals and organisational supporters, call on SFU to:

  • Immediately delay the full return to in-person learning until two weeks following 90% of the SFU community having received a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination and province-wide transmission rates are reduced;
  • Strengthen on-campus protection measures by providing appropriate PPE (i.e., N95 masks or equivalent) to all campus personnel and ensuring that infrastructure meets COVID-safe regulations, including ASHRAE guidelines for ventilation;
  • Provide comprehensive and timely communication with students, staff, and faculty that allows adequate time for course planning;
  • Expand student financial aid and support to alleviate financial burdens and mental and physical health impacts on students;
  • Support and assist instructors in providing accessible and flexible course delivery (e.g., appropriate technology and training); and
  • Immediately initiate and act on a broad public consultation with students, faculty, staff, and the wider SFU community, with emphasis on prioritising the voices of community members who have been historically and continue to be marginalised and their representative groups. SFU must also commit to changing and adapting policy to meet the concerns and needs expressed during consultations. 

If you are in support of these calls to action, please sign on to our OPEN Letter 

You can also sign on to our email campaign located here