March 20, 2020
SFU Financial Aid and Awards is working on options for students seeking emergency funding where there may be urgent and immediate needs in relation to:
1. accessing some funding for a plane ticket home in the case of an international undergrad/grad student, and/or
2. accessing some funding for technology such as laptops/internet access
If this applies to you, you will have to fill out an application form (we will have the link available for you shortly)
Emergency assistance funding for SFU’s Aboriginal students is also available. Students who wish to request this funding will need to contact the ISC first at ask_isc@sfu.ca
If students have any other urgent financial circumstances not listed above, please reach out the Financial Aid office directly. in an attempt to curb the spread of COVID-19, the office is not conducting in-person advising and can be contacted via email (fiassist@sfu.ca) and phone (778-782-6930) during current contact hours.