July 15, 2022

Did you know The International Student Health Fee Goes Against the Canada Health Act? 

Migrant Student United recently launched a campaign to remove the international student health fee. The International Student Health Fee is an unfair health fee which the government introduced before the pandemic. This fee is $75 per month and is only charged to international students. This fee does not have a family plan so families with many children will be paying over $75 per person, per month. In Canada, as we have universal healthcare, this goes against the principle of universality of the Canada Health Act which requires “all residents of a province or territory be entitled, on uniform terms and conditions”. By targeting international students, the government is violating the Canada Health Act, which promises universal terms and conditions for accessing health care. 

Together, across the province, students and their supporters are signing our petition against the fee in the lead-up to a rally in September. 

Sign the petition now!: https://t.co/yK3cqLssHd

Have Questions? Contact Eshana Baran  Vice President External and Community Affairs – vpexternal@sfss.ca