November 26, 2013
Students don’t vote and the needs of young people continue to be underrepresented in Canadian politics. In the 2011 federal election, 61.2% of Canadian youth aged 18-24 did not show up to the polls. In 2015, we face another federal election and, in order to make progress on many issues that are important to Canadians, youth need to be at the polls.
That is why a coalition is coming together to make our voices heard. Our first step is to survey students around the country to discover which issues we collectively care about. Next, we'll share the results and launch a diverse movement to fix our futures. The movement will focus on the issues that matter the most to us, while also explicitly recognizing the concerns of people whose voices have been marginalized within our society.
Fill out the survey at by November 25, 2013 and be entered to win a $50 to SFSS Food and Beverage (includes the Highland Pub, the Ladle, and Higher Grounds Coffee).
1. Our Challenge:
Political decisions being made now will have huge repercussions for our future as young people. You can name any number of examples that resonate with you personally – whether it is rising debt or climate change. However, though our future is at stake, young people are voting in record low numbers.
2. Our Opportunity:
Though the challenges facing our country and our generation are as great as ever, we have up to 26 months before the 2015 federal election to renew our relationship with our democracy. As students, we have a unique opportunity to engage and mobilize our campus communities. And now is the time for us to take back decision-making power over our future.
3. Our Movement:
Building our political movement means building trust and building hope. We are starting this September by listening to our peers about what matters to them. We will then use the survey results to engage students in a coordinated national effort, and amplify our voices to have an impact on the issues that matter to us. On election day, you’ll know where to find us: at the polls.