Requests for tabling must be made no less than 4 business days before tabling date and late requests will not be considered
A group may not table for more than 3 days in one week regardless of length of time each day
SFSS groups are not permitted to promote, sell services, sell products, or fundraise for external vendors or organizations. Any vending and promotional activity must be organized by the group and for the benefit of the group and its mandate. Fundraising by SFSS groups on behalf of registered charities is permitted.
Groups may not sell homemade or self-prepared food items of any kind. This includes bake sales or self-prepared drinks.
Groups may not leave the immediate table area to solicit passersby.
Groups must keep all Items related to tabling within the space of the table and within the designated area behind the table.
Tabling and guests to tables may not disrupt the flow of traffic in the SUB and may not block hallways, exits or entrances
Tables must be “staffed” at all times.
SFSS and staff are not responsible for items left unsupervised.
No external audio speakers are permitted and any music/sound must only be heard by those standing at the table.
Each group will be provided one 6′ table and an additional table may be offered if space allows. 2 Chairs will be provided. One additional chair may be provided if requested.
Groups selling or distributing coffee/drinks or food will not be placed at the 3000 level entrance across from Blenz
Each request will be evaluated and assessed based on SFSS policies and guidelines and what the unique spaces in the sub allow. We reserve the right to withhold tables or request changes to your event based on these assessments
All tabling must adhere to SFSS Policy, Clubs Terms of Reference, Events Terms of Reference and current SFSS Event Guidelines including Covid19 rules and restrictions. If these policies, terms or guidelines are not followed SFSS reserves the right to shut down tabling.