The Simon Fraser Student Society is a student-led organization that represents and advocates for the interests of the 25,000+ undergraduate students at SFU. We are your not-for-profit support network and voice at SFU and provide services and support to make your student life better.
We support. We provide. We enhance.
The SFSS is governed by a student-elected Board of Directors that is elected every spring semester. They are advised by Council, a body representing every faculty and departmental student union across all three SFU campuses. The indispensable SFSS permanent and student staff assist our activities with front-line services and behind-the-scenes support.
All University students who are registered in an undergraduate course or program at the University and have paid a student activity fee are Registered Members of the Society.
Mission Statement:
To advocate for students, build student power, and provide resources and services that represent, connect and benefit our membership.
Guiding Principles:
Organizational Chart:
Detailed Organizational Chart:
For more information on the new SFSS structure, read the Management Working Group report HERE.
Whether it’s affordable medical coverage or free legal advice you need, you’ll be surprised at how much we offer:
SUB 3100
8888 University Drive
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6
SUR 390 at the Surrey campus.
The Simon Fraser Student Society was established in 1967. Since our inception, we have worked with our members and other stakeholders to improve the undergraduate student experience at SFU.
In the last 49 years, we have:
We developed a comprehensive 3-year Strategic Plan. It is also under continuous review for improvements.