March 23, 2023
Be it resolved Amend OTP2.4.c to add another sentence and subsection as outlined:
” Other Orientation sessions must include a workshop on
‘Past and Continuing SFSS Advocacy and campaigns ‘, ‘Upholding Indigenous Inclusion and Reconciliation ‘, ‘Intersectional climate justice and activism’, and ‘Racial justice, and centering Black, Indigenous and People of Colour’ workshops.
i) Additionally, the Board Organizer is designated to in collaboration with the VP Equity, President and Executives to ensure a presentation on the historical context and continuity of the SFSS Issues Policies with an summary and context of each is held during orientation.
ii) Follow up development sessions on each of the SFSS issues policies must be held (including bringing in student and community groups and organizations related to them who are aligned with them as written) throughout the year on each of the previously passed SFSS Issues policies as coordinated by the VP Internal and the VP Equity and Sustainability with the support of the Board Organizer.”
Be it further resolved to amend OTP3.4 (https://sfss.ca/notice-of-motion-adoption-of-otp-3-incoming-executive-officers/) to add subsections:
H) SFSS Issues Policies and past and ongoing campaigns and information related to each
I) advocacy and campaigns training
j) Upholding Indigenous Inclusion and Reconciliation
K) racial justice and centering Black, Indigenous and People of Colour training
L) Intersectional climate justice and activism