Upcoming Referendum to Establish Palestine Liberation Issues Policies at the SFSS Membership level

January 9, 2024
As per motion passed on Jan 3, 2023, “SFSS Calls for a Permanent Ceasefire and Defends Palestinian Liberation Solidarity at SFU”, the Following referendum will be submitted and put to a vote by the SFSS membership during the Referendum period:
Referendum Question:
Palestinian Liberation Issues Policy Membership Adoption Referendum Question
Whereas an Issues Policies may be adopted by Membership at the Membership level and if passed can only then afterwards be repealed at the Membership level, as per bylaw 6(11);
Whereas non-passage of an Issues Policies by referenda would mean the Policy will continue to be an Issues Policies at the SFSS Council level;
Whereas the SFSS Council previously unanimously passed the SFSS Palestinian Liberation Issues Policy in solidarity with the Palestinian people after the previous bombardment of Gaza in 2021, and now there is a continuing genocide and siege on Gaza since October 7, 2023, resulting in the death of an estimated 20,000 Palestinians and further displacement of 2 million people;
Whereas the people of Palestine continue to face occupation and blockade by the current State of Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Issues Policy was adopted to be in solidarity with the Palestinian people and passed unanimously,
Be it resolved that the SFSS Membership adopt the SFSS Palestinian Liberation Issues Policy at the Membership level, as permitted by SFSS Bylaw 6(11).
1) SFSS Palestine Liberation Issues Policies
2) Motion Establishing Palestinian Liberation Issues Policies
4) Council Statement after Establishing the SFSS Palestinian Liberation Issues Policies